One pm? You know what it's time for, for everything to go wrong in Deceit's life

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Welcome to the thirteenth rewritten chapter!

Tw: Physical abuse, Arguing

After stargazing they went back to Logan's room. There was a silent agreement that Janus would stay the night. The bed was warm and comfy as the snake flopped down onto it. He thought it was a real shame the bed was barely used. He hoped he would be able to change that.

Before he fell asleep he rolled over onto his stomach and watched on as Logan did a puzzle on the floor in front of the bed. Janus was pretty sure he'd never felt this calm before. Lo didn't seem to notice as Jan moved closer and rested his chin on top of his head.

"Hey Logggggaann" He teased "I don't love you"

"Noted" He replied dryly "I can not love you back. I do not know how to"

"That's alright" Janus pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head "I most definitely can not love enough for the both of us"

Logan buried his head in his hands to hide the smile that formed on his face. Maybe if he had emotions he would have replied I love you too but for now he continued to lie to himself that he didn't.


Janus was able to get a few hours of sleep before he was woken up by a nightmare. In it there'd been a shadowy figure screaming at him. It left him uneasy to say the least.

Logan had left while he was sleeping and the room felt so weird without him Deceit left too. He moved down to the couch in the living room. He was eating breakfast when he heard quiet footsteps coming up behind him. Almost like the person was dragging their feet across the floor.

It was Virgil. After all this time Janus could still recognize him from the smallest of details.

Janus forced a mischevious grin and turned towards his old friend "Anxiety! Oh what a lovely surprise! Tell me, what brings you to me today?"

"I hate to say this but we need to talk" he grabbed onto Jan's shoulder and dug his fingers down into it. When he sunk out the snake was forced to sink out with him.

They sunk up into the emo's room. Virgil grabbed onto the collar of Janus' shirt and pushed him up against a wall. Their faces were only a few inches apart and the side of anxiety had a furious look on his face.

"How homoerotic of you Anxiety. What is it you want so badly?" Deceit asked. He pretended to check his nails through his gloves while saying it.

"If you continue to manipulate my friends I will make sure you have to go back where you belong" He growled out.

"Oh my" He gasped dramatically "Are you saying that our favorite lil prince and daddy can't like me just the way I am. That is very mean of you. And I who thought you were a light side nowadays. Aren't they supposed to be kind and trust worthy"

"It's Logan I'm talking about. I saw you two last night and that was so out of fucking character of him that I thought you had forced Roman to create your own sick dream clone of him. But nooo it's reality and I want you too stop messing with reality!"

"Maybe you are the problem" Janus bit off. He pushed Virgil from him "it's not like you're afraid of change, afraid of the people around you changing. I live here and it was Logan's choice to hang out with me you can't change that"

"You're so afraid of change you didn't dare to come here when I gave you the chance!" Virgil nearly yelled out.

"That was one time! You never talk about all the things I've done for you!" Janus exclaimed while throwing his arms out. He was so angry he didn't think about lying.

Illogical Duplicity // LoceitOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz