One time Janus was very gay

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Welcome to the eight rewritten chapter! Gosh I didn't know how to romance when I originally wrote this, barely know now either but hjfdfgdfj ignore that

It was the middle of the night when Logan heard a big badonk coming from behind him. On his navy carpet laid Deceit seemingly blacked out. He had mindlessly been doing quizzes online and for a moment he thought that maybe he should just continue on and leave the villain be. But then he changed his mind as the quizzes were starting to get boring anyway. So he checked the other man's pulse too see if he was still alive. He actually didn't know if they could die and he didn't want to find out.

After making sure the man was alive he poked him in the cheek until he woke up. His snake eye opened slightly and looked around. He let out a groan as he rubbed his head. Now when he was moving Logan could see dried blood that seemed to have come from a wound beside his eye.

"Are you okay?" He asked while leaning over the side still laying down.

"Anxiety? Yeah of course I'm- I've been worse Anx no need to worry" Janus slurred out while squinting up at him.

"Oh dear. It is I Logan. Not Virgil. You must have hit your head very badly"

He carefully helped Janus sit up. He pressed his arm against his back to hold him up. With a heave he helped him stand up. The villain seemed completely out of it as they walked. With big eyes he looked around as if he was trying to figure out where he was.

A soft thud was heard as Logan made Janus sit down on his bed. It was a plain black one with dark blue covers with a star pattern on it. He sat down in front of the bed so his eyes were about the same level as the villain's stomach. He put his hand on the other man's knee and looked into his eyes.

"How did you get injured?"

He blinked over and over with a blank expression "I definetly don't have an atrocious headache first and foremost" He muttered.

"Right...bodily needs. Forgot. Us having a physical form is so utterly useless"

Since he wasn't creative at all his summoning powers were very limited. So he had to get up and go into his bathroom to fetch some band aids, cleaning alcoholic and cotton balls. When he returned he sat down on the bed, close to the other man.

He pulled one of his legs up on the covers while keeping the other steadily on the ground so he was fully positioned towards Janus. He put his hand on the villain's cheek to move his head closer. So close so he could feel his unstable breathing against his skin.

He wetted a cotton ball and carefully moved it over the small wound to wipe away the blood. He brushed a part of the other's dark hair out of his forhead to put a band aid over it. A glass of water and a painkiller was fetched before Logan sat down on the bed again, proud of himself for fixing the injury.

Janus fiddled with his mini cape with his left hand. One of his fingers on the right was beating in rhytm to his heart and every time he moved it he wanted to scream from pain. Still a light blush spread across the human side of his face. He was happy Logan couldn't see that side. He hadn't been taken care of like this in what felt like years. The soft touches against his skin made him melt on the inside. Not to mention how warm the hands had been against his naturally cold skin.

"Any more injuries I should know about?" The logical side asked.

"No" He lied.

Logan noticed how the right handed man was very awkardly holding the water glass up with his left while he was visibly trying to keep his right hand as still as possible "Could you perhaps take your gloves off? I have a rule"

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