One look into the past

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Welcome to the ninth rewritten chapter! This chapter really said fuck y'all I'm getting double as long

"I saw someone I really did!" Envy assured.

"Maybe the final piece of your brain simply broke" Janus replied before taking a swing from the opened wine bottle.

They were sitting on the couch of the dark sides commons. It'd been one of their usual third day meetings but since Rage was asleep and and Envy was lonely Janus had decided to stay for a while and have a good old drinking night.

"No really like Rage was mad like usual I dunno I'd been loud or something and he was shouting and I ran away to hide in a corner and closed my eyes y'know like waiting for him to hit me but no I just heard a big thud" Envy ranted "And when I turned around he was just like laying on the floor sleeping and I saw a shadow walking off into another room but when I turned to look no one was there. So I kinda rolled him into the kitchen and put a blanket on him"

Janus looked at him and slowly blinked "You've definetly lost it"

He stuck out his tounge at him while taking the bottle from him. It was quiet for a few moments as it usually was. Both of them knew it was safer to stay quiet. Making any sound brung the possibility of Rage destroying their peace.

Envy took a long sip from the wine bottle. He looked over at his friend and whispered "I'm thinking about killing Patton"

He could tell it wasn't a lie nor a joke "Let's calm down for a moment before murdering an essential side for Thomas' wellbeing"

"You don't get it!"

"I...I'm not getting why you would want to murder a side...?" Janus scoffed.

"Patty is the reason my life is like this!" Envy put the bottle down on the table and started moving his hands around while talking "Rage? Anxiety? Deceit? Those are all traits of jerks! No offense. But envy? What has envy ever done to anyone? I'm harmless! I think the only reason I'm a dark side is because envy is a deadly sin or whatever AND who's the jerkass christian side who runs this whole shithole brain?"

"Patton" Janus muttered while grabbing the wine because oh boy did he need it.

"Exactly! I was meant to be a light side! But Patton fucked me over! I deserve to kill him!" Envy exclaimed.

"Yes because you definetly deserve to kill anyone at all. With your thinking you could use some morality"

Envy grinned at Janus while poking his elbow into the snake's rib "Come on we've all wanted to murder a side! Lemme guess for you it was-"

"Rage" Janus mumbled out.

"Anxiet- WAIt what?" He let out an awkard chuckle "Ehh okay I was really expecting you to say Anxiety I mean he's- he's a dirty traitor who deserves to get his lungs taken out and dipped into wax while Rage y'know he's literally anger he can't help it- You-You're not siding with Anxiety r-right?"

Deceit calmly placed his hand on Envy's shoulder and said in a just as calm tone "Trust me, I'm really really siding with Anxiety"

He let out a sigh of relief "Okay. I just I don't want to be left here. I would probably kill a bunch of pidgeons and make wings and fly into the sun if I was left down here without you"

"Damn. Now I kind of don't want to see that" He chuckled out which earned him a playful shove.

"Hey wanna hear a SSSSSsssecret?" Envy said, mimicking his snake hiss.

"Ssssshut up but please go on I am so very interested to hear whatever you have to say" He lied while rolling his eyes.

"I was happy when Anxiety left"

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