One chapter that was going to be the last but it got long so I made it a 2parter

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Warms hands trailing through his hair

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Warms hands trailing through his hair. A reminder to not go to bed with his glasses. Quiet hours with only heartbeats as sounds. Fluttering of hearts between gentle kisses and soft words. 

It was easy for Logan to accept the emotion known as happiness when this was how he recognized it. He grimaced a little as Deceit turned around in his sleep accidentally leaning his head against his bruised left arm instead of his chest. The healing had began to settle down but he still couldn't write which made him increasingly frustrated since not being able to write meant not being able to work. 

So the latest week had been spent either with Dee writing down everything Lo told him to write down while he grumbled on about being useless right now or Deceit dramatically turning around before attacking him with compliments and cuddles because he heard him put himself down. 

It had also been not one but two very weird and awkward instances of Logan turning around from looking at his peaceful looking sleeping boyfriend just to see a pair of green eyes stare at them in the dark. When he asked Envy why he did that he just mumbled something about him wanting something like that too. 

Moving on. In 1995 Dr. Gary Chapman wrote a book called The five love languages. According to Dr. Chapman, there are five Love Languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

Ethan could be categorized as being in the quality time category since really ever since the first time they met in the middle of the night with 'Courage the cowardly dog' playing in the background all he's ever wanted with the tall lanky nerd was to spend as much time with him as possible.

Logan could be categorized as being in the acts of service category. That's why he kept fixing Dee's clothing and bandaging him up. As far as he was concerned that was the best way to show his appreciation for someone else. He had never been the best at expressing what he was feeling in words anyway.

Like now in the middle of the night while listening to some musical Roman had told him to listen to (It's historically accurate he said, it's great for a nerd like you he said, did he even know the whole Anastasia thing was just a myth) he realized that the latest months had been the most painful in his life. Because being forced to confront emotions he didn't even know he had is painful especially when those emotions is longing after another human. 

In short then and there he decided he wanted to do something to his love to show that his appreciation levels had steadily gone upwards. Literally, he had done the research. He has to fill out his spare time somehow. 

Carefully he moved away Dee's arm from his chest and kissed the top of his hair before walking out of the room. The only thing he had on was his unicorn onesie and his glasses. He stopped in the kitchen making a cup of coffee, he sped up the process with a snap of his fingers. Since he begun venturing into the culinary world of food he had learnt to love coffee. Even if he didn't need sleep he could still feel physically exhausted if he burnt himself out and coffee helped him to keep going. Ethan was one Logan 24 hour long work session away from banning coffee from him.  

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