One peak inside a mind

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Welcome to the fourth rewritten chapter! And yes Remus will be in this version, patience patience (:

It was Patton's turn to choose which movie to watch for movie night. He had chosen "Inside out". It wasn't one of Logan's favorites, he much more preferred the older disney movies because even if they still weren't the least bit realistic the animation was absolutely stunning. He could just get lost in all the small details.

Right when Sadness and Joy had meet Bing Bong Roman came prancing into the room. He jumped onto the couch ignoring that his head landed in Patton's lap. He dramatically put his hand on his forehead and sighed deeply before exclaiming

"Oh woe me! How a writer must work!" The dad patted "the writers" head. He leaned up and whispered a pun to Patton.

The side of morality giggled at the joke. Patton and Roman cuddled close together under a blanket, Logan stayed in his armchair a bit away from the sofa. They competed on who could find the most references. After 15 minutes of hard looking (Princey was in the lead) Virgil showed up. He sat himself like a cat on the couch armrest.

"Having a movie night without me?" He asked.

"Oh no kiddo, it's just I heard music from your room and didn't wanna disturb" Patton responded.

Virgil shrugged as a response. He playfully smacked Roman's arm to make him move so all three of them fit under the blanket. He mushed in the middle between Pat and Ro, ready to watch the movie. Not once did he even glance at Logan.


The sweat dripped down the back of his neck as Logan left. The moment he had closed the door Janus couldn't hold his room together any longer. He let it fleet away leaving him in an empty room on the second floor of the dark side's run down and moldy house. It was just him and Virgil's hoodie laying in the middle of the room as if it was mocking him.

It'd gone slowly but Janus had bit by bit gained more and more control over his host. So now unlike the other "dark sides" (such a stupid nickname Roman had made up) he was able to hold together a room an hour or two per day. It made him exhausted but it was worth it. The other sides didn't know how lucky they were to be used to having their own rooms.

He could remember clear as day when Anxiety had started getting his own room. He hadn't tried to hide it, instead sharing it with him and Envy with an excited tone. Janus had been so secretly jealous. Envy (being the side of jelousy) had literally tried to steal the room away from him, not realizing it took the side holding it together for it to work.

The dark side's house was an exact replicas of Thomas' theory. In reality it hadn't been cleaned in years, there were dishes filling the sink and spiderwebs in the corners of the roof. The color was peeling of the walls and there were insects running around between the floorboards which they had had as pets when they were younger. It was always freezing cold and they never stole enough food from the light sides to not go hungry. They didn't have a creativity who could summon whatever he wanted including food in large amounts without getting tired.

He walked down the stairs which were missing a step here and there. There came loud voices from one of the corners of the living room. Janus was already far too tired, he could in no way deal with the other dark sides right now. He pretended like he didn't hear anything as he turned into the kitchen and made himself a black coffee, no milk but a bit of lemon.

"It's stupid!" Someone yelled. Janus rolled his eyes and sipped on the hot drink.

A few of the dishes fluttered between being visible and not existing. Everything was blurry here like nothing could hold itself together. One time Anxiety had tried to sit on the sofa but had sunk down through it instead, he never sat on it again. Nowadays It was the three of them crammed into the dark and gloomy rooms. They floated around like ghosts most of the days.

Logan couldn't stop plaguing his mind. Him calling Janus to help them honestly made him flattered. If anyone was gonna call him he thought that it was Roman. He had always been easy to manipulate either way. A part of him hoped Anxiety or any of the other sides wasn't mad at Logan for what he did.

He shouldn't be thinking of Anxiety. He was a betraying piece of shit not deserving of an ounce of sympathy...but Janus had always been the one closest to him and maybe he was right in wanting to join the light sides.....joining them is the best way to break apart from the inside after all.

When they got the news that Anxiety had started to get an actual seat at the light sides' table they'd started making plans for him. Plans that involved him being a double agent resulting in all of them getting more control over Thomas and knocking the light sides of their pedestals. The "dark" sides would probably start planning the same thing for Janus if they knew about the party incident. Maybe playing double agent would be fun, lying was the thing he was the best at after all. Yeah that's what he would do. He will show them all.

Janus let go of the coffee cup and watched as it disappeared right before hitting the floor. He went out into the living room and glanced around. Rage's tall stature was hard to miss. He was standing tall at his full lenght, hovering over the smaller side pressed into the corner as if the wall was his last defence. Envy sat with his knees pressed to his chest and with his forhead against the wall. In his arms was his sketchbook.

Long green tentacles had shot out of Envy's back to protect himself, probably against his will. Every time Rage tried to grab him or take his book a tentacle was there to shove him away.

"Ladies ladies please do tell what is going on because I very clearly actually care about any of this" Janus lied.

Rage turned to him. He wore a bright orange tank top with old washed up jeans shorts. There was a golden ring pierced into his nose, it was glistening. His hair was short to show of the small horns on his head. On his cheeks were deep red vein like marks. Depending on how angry he was the redder they got, if he became furious they could even extend down his neck and arms. Today they were a light red though.

"Found EnEn drawing those gross drawings of his so I did what was best for everyone" Rage motioned for the ripped apart drawings laying scattered across the floor. He grinned "EnEn got all defensive when I came to a certain page and all his tentacles shot out. I'm betting that he drew some disgusting lovey dovey art about one of the light sides. Fucking perv"

"I'm betting on...Patton, definetly Patton" Janus replied while leaning against the wall. (Envy had been working on a portait of Janus, he was planning to give it as a gift)

"Definetly" Rage agreed between chuckles "I don't get why stupid lil En continues to make his stupid lil drawings" He leaned so close to Envy the tentacles moved to push him away "They're ugly and useless just like him"

"Please darling no need to state what we all already know" Janus lied.

Envy was short with big fluffy hair that nearly covered his face. He wore an oversized green sweater that was more of the lenght of a short dress than a shirt, the sleeves were so long they went over his hands. He had black shorts under and even darker boots which looked out of place with his skinny legs.

Jan held out his hand "Give me the book En"

Envy pressed himself closer to the wall while holding onto the book harder. He shook his head. Janus took a step closer and snapped his fingers to tell him to hurry up. The tentacles wrapped themself around Envy's waist and shoulders as if to hug him as he handed the book over.

The moment Janus got it he snapped his fingers and it disappeared "There out of sight out of mind"

Envy's eyes widened. He got up and walked in a circle around Janus as if the book was hidden behind his back "M-my-"

"It's nothing to be upset over. They weren't exactly good anyway" He lied. He'd actually moved the book to a room on the upper floor but he couldn't say that when Rage was near.

The tentacles went into his back once more. Big bloody wounds were left behind but they healed within seconds. Envy's lip trembled. He opened his mouth and wailed as he cried. He sat down on the floor and held onto the torn up and fragmented remains of his drawings. Rage muttered something about him being childish and smacked him at the back of the head for being a crybaby.

Janus ignored his cries, they were more like background noise at this point anyway. He carefully laid his gloved hand on Rage's shoulder and said with a smile

"I think it's time we have a meeting"

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