One long yeehaw

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Friendly reminder that the last chapter (One parallel universe) didn't happen.

7 May

The normal healthy snake sheds their skin 2 to 4 times per year. Deceit shed around every 6 months. He got really tired a while before so he usually tried to find a warm and soft spot before falling asleep suddenly as if he was narcoleptic. Then at least 12 hours later he woke up with his old scales beside him already getting dry and dusty. It was quite different if his scales were stuck in something per se stitches, then it could be quite painful while they were coming off. 

Logan was just on his way back to his room from checking up on Roman when he heard screaming. He ran in not bothering to close the door. Ethan was tumbling around in the bed. Eyes closed but hands moving. Scratching at his neck and clawing around his eyes until blood started dripping down. Since he was deep asleep almost in a coma state his brain didn't think about holding his reactions behind lock and key but screamed. Anything to try and make the pain feel better. 

The logical side put the other man's head gently in his lap using one hand to stroke his hair and the other to stop Dee from hurting himself further. His whole body twitched, his wrists contorting itself themselves into inhuman positions. 

After half an hour the scales fell off and in the matter of seconds the room went silent. Roman who had come over to check if they were okay when he heard the screaming frowned at the man in purple. It was weird to him how helpless Dee looked. The man who he had always seen as a composed villain who could untangle your mind in a matter of minutes and could only bring harm with him like a cat dragging in trouble was right now as big of a threat as a mouse with the flu. 

He walked out the door again passing Patton's shut door. How he had wandered around that door the latest days. Wondering if he should go in or not. He hoped the father figure wasn't blaming himself for what had happened if anything the prince thought that he should be the one to shoulder the responsibility. Of course he had seen Pat around the house but when they talked it was like the words in their brains had to go through a dark maze before being spoken and so much was lost on the way ending up in awkward conversations about nothing. 

The only thing Roman knew was that Patton had lied about Dee hitting him. But he was just scared right? He would never actually try to harm someone right?

It was the middle of the night anyway so it would be rude to wake him up now. His fingers trailed over the door as he walked past it into the dream theater before doing his best to sink so much into his work he forgot about anything else. 


12 May

It was Saturday and the prince had convinced the other two boring sides (as he called them) to have a movie night. So now they were sitting in Roman's room in a sofa he pulled up from the floor because he's creativity he can do anything he wants in his room.

Deceit sat pressed against the left couch couchin still not trusting him enough to sit close to him. Logan was sitting cross legged his left hand stretched out over the top of the sofa so it went  behind Dee's head. Roman used up the rest of the space by laying sprawled out debating out loud which Disney film they should watch. 

"For the third time prep we do not prefer to watch the animated kids films made by the multi billionaire capitalist gold cave that is named Disney" The logical side tried to stop the constant talking. 

"They didn't peak in 1996 and you're just too much of a coward to admit it" Dee added. 

"Well what do you prudes want to watch then?" He asked moving his head side to side to try and look more sassy. He failed. 

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