The Beginning of the End

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This is a fan fiction of the gorgeous Hannah Hart! Hope you enjoy😘


"Rack city bitch, rack rack city bitch" Julie's alarm screeched at promptly 8:30 in the morning. "Shut the hell up, Tyga" she said, slamming her hand on her phone before realizing how easy it is to break a stupid iPhone. Sighing, she rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom to shower and do her hair. While in the shower, her mind started to somewhat function again and she freaked out, remembering that she had to drive to Los Angeles today! "Shit!" Julie screamed when she realized this and repeated the swear several times after realizing she cut herself on the back of her ankle, once again. 

After the shower she threw on the only clothes that weren't thrown messily into her suitcase, and checked that she looked slightly decent in the small mirror. She smoothed down her hair to try to vainly get rid of the frizz and strutted into the kitchen to grab an apple. She had a three hour drive to Los Angeles before she would be in her own place with nobody meddling into her life, and she couldn't wait.


Hannah was staggering into her apartment, giggling to herself about absolutely nothing. She had the best time with Grace and Mamrie, and she even got a free drink from the bartender. True, he was hitting on her, but his fault. She bursts out laughing while she remembers saying to him, "Thanks hon, us gays love our beer," and winked at him. Grace and Mamrie started crying from their laughter and she had chugged her beer victoriously. Hannah stumbled into bed, clothes still dirty, a total wreck, and fell into a restless sleep, that is, until a pounding headache and yet a contrasting need to rest fought a battle inside her.

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