Surf, sand, and shots- Day 5

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Ok, I have struck gold on some of the Hannah gifs I've found... They're so great XD

Personal Story: I made dinner, I mean, that's wife material, right? (hahahha Hannah please love me, hahhaha)

Quote: Me: "Mom, I'm going to go write before we start baking." Mom: "Ok, cool. Good idea getting an essay done." Me: "lol yup essay" (writes 5 chapters for Wattpad)

Advice: Be merry!

Fun Fact: There are beers made out of fossils! Oooohhhh!

To the story!!!!!


I roll over, feeling the rolling of the ship sway the cabin. I reach my arm over, trying to stroke Julie's hair, when my arm finds cold sheets. My eyes fly open.

Where is she? I think to myself, confused. I hear a noise from the bathroom, and it clicks.

Someone's a little hungover.

I give up on catching extra sleep, and I grab the notebook and go to the balcony. The wind whips around me, causing my longer strands of hair to fly back. My T-shirt clings to my frame, and I realize it's a little cold, and I'm not really wearing a bra...

Screw it I think, sitting down and opening the notebook after I made sure the door was closed.

"Is Julie crazy hungover too?" I hear next to me, the voice coming from the other side of the balcony divider. I see Mames peek over, her eyes slightly concerned.

"Yeah. So Grace and Julie..."

"Are down for the count, man. They need to learn to handle booze like us," She says, laughing. I laugh before responding.

"We've had a lot of experience. Probably a little too much." She nods, gazing at the ocean.

"Hey, do you have any ideas for what to write? I kind of want a variety of topics in here." I ask, breaking the silence.

"Just write whatever comes to you head, dude. We're going to be in Mazatlán in an hour. Write about what you want out of the vacation, you know. Sentimental stuff."

I glance back at my cabin, thinking about what I had gotten during this vacation. The edge of my lips quirk into a smile.

"You both are fucking adorable. I'm not kidding, I love her. Don't fuck this up, Hannah. You need her, and she needs you." She bluntly tells me. I nod, agreeing. I start to write about the vacation, about my friends, about the stories and memories. Meanwhile, Mamrie eats an apple and turns her gaze back to the ocean.

About forty minutes later, she whispers to me, "Hannah, look at the coastline! The coast is coming into view!" I stand up, the wind still strong.

"Okay,, that's a tight T-shirt, Hart. I've seen a lot of you in the past few months." She says, joking with me. We're both laughing as the coastline comes into view, the rock formations looming ominously in the distance. It's all we can do to not gape at the mystique of the island.

"Hey, we'll get a better view in the library. Want to check it out there?" She says to me. I nod, still admiring the island, as I walk into the cabin to check how Julie is and to meet Mames in the library.

"Hey, sweetie," I say, knocking lightly on the door. "You okay?"

"Yeah, too many tequilas. I think I need to stay on the ship instead of the beach excursion." She replies as I massage her shoulders gently.

"Ok, no problem. Promise me that if you start to feel worse you'll call me and the ship doctor, alright? Seriously. I want you to be healthy." I say, using my best 'strict' voice. She nods, and I grab her a glass of water.

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