Shot Through the Hart

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You guys are going to hate me for how this story ends!!!!


Only 2  parts before my story ends... wow...

Time flies when you're having fun, I guess. I am uploading the rest of this story today, so next week I can focus solely on Code Blue (I'm weird like that, I like to work on one thing at a time)

Please don't hate me too much for the next few chapters, I had to. I'm sorry.



Julie and I stroll on the Santa Monica Pier, holding hands as the waves crash onto the shore. 

"How are you holding up, Hannah?" She asks me, referring to my mother.

"Better. You've helped a lot," I say, smiling at her.

"I know what it's like," She replies quietly, thinking about Nat. She looks up at me, her smile full of pain. I pull her closer to me, consoling her. We stand like that for some time, breathing in the salt water and smoky air.

We hop down from the wooden pier, the waves lapping at the sand as I help her down. Her long dress billows as she stands next to me, her hair flowing in the breeze.


I start to cry again, and she knows what's about to come. She shoots me a look of pity, clearing her throat.

"Take your time. I know how hard this is." She says.

""It's the last time we were together," I manage to say, wiping the tears from my eyes.


She grabs my hand, swinging our arms along the shoreline as we watch the birds circle overhead.

"What should we do tomorrow?" I ask her, gazing up at her.

"No idea. We have a ton of time ahead of us, Hannah, let's just do things as they strike our fancy," She replies, picking up a small piece of sea glass hidden in the sand.


Oh, the irony. Little did we know how short time truly was.


We scan the sand for more sea glass, even though the search was futile. We only had that one piece of sea glass, the sunset bouncing off of the dulled Kelley green surface. 

"Here, you should put it in your pocket," She says to me, slipping her hand into my shorts pocket and placing the sea glass in it. We walk back to the parking lot, wiping our hands on our clothes as we start to approach my car, blocked from the street and pedestrians. 


"This is...this is when it happens." I cry out, my voice twisted in pain. She doesn't respond, she just nods, trying to hide the moisture in her eyes.


As we're several yards from my car, I catch a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. I whip my head around, on edge. Julie had seen it too, and she manages to choke out a quiet, "Oh, no."

"What? What, Julie?" I plead, concerned.

"I, I saw him, Hannah." She says, before chasing after the figure.

"Who?" I ask, running to catch up.

"Hannah! Stay where you fucking are!" She screams at me. I stop dead in my tracks, shocked. Julie never yells, and never would yell at me. 

What the fuck is happening?

The figure slows on the beach, turning around quickly. I jog to make up for stopping, still about four hundred yards behind Julie.

I hear a confrontation, their voices yelling until I hear the voice yell at her, "You didn't think to change your name? You made my job too easy, Julie. Now I can finally stop chasing you."

"You killed my fucking sister!" I hear Julie screech as she runs towards him in a blind rage. 

My lips part, calling out a warning to her as I see the unmistakable object in his hands. 

Before I can, I hear the sound of a gunshot and Julie collapses onto the sand.

I scream, and he darts off, running through shrubbery until he disappears. I run to her, brushing her hair out of her face and grabbing my phone. My fingers shake as I dial 911, watching the crimson blood soak through her dress. I rip off my vest, trying to make some sort of a tourniquet over her heart, even though we both know what's going to happen.

"Hannah?" She says, struggling to breathe.

"Yes?" I say, my tears hitting her dress.

"Learn to live in the moment, do not worry about the future; and when I'm gone, don't live in the past." She gets out, her eyes fluttering shut.

"Julie. Don't you dare do this," I say, crying, "Julie! Julie! I need you to be here! Please don't die on me!" I scream, hearing the wailing of sirens approach.

The medics arrive, and they lift her onto the stretcher. They put the white sheet over her face, covering her.

The waves hit the shore, the waves recede.

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