A Big Hart

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I knock on B27, adjusting my tie and looking like a total loser. Grace pushed me into inviting Julie for drinks, so here I am I guess. The door flies open and Julie is standing in the doorway, looking slightly frazzled.  "Hey Julie! I was wondering if you maybe wanted to grab a few drinks with me and one of my friends? We probably won't be out that late, I mean you've probably had a really long day, right?" I say, rambling on in typical Hannah fashion. "Oh gosh, I need a few drinks!" she laughs. "Hang on, ok? I just need to fix my hair and fix my eyeliner." "You're fine!" I say, reassuring her, "Come on, it'll be fun, you'll love Grace, she's awesome." I raise my eyebrows and smile at her, and she gives in and we walk out to the lobby where Grace is waiting for us. Grace raises an eyebrow at me when she sees her, which is her way of giving me her "approval". I roll my eyes at Grace and introduce them as quickly as possible. 

We've each had two shots and some beers when Grace starts pulling some FBI shit on poor Julie and asks her a million irrelevant questions about herself while I'm nursing another glass of scotch. After finishing my scotch I listen in to hear Grace ask Julie how long she's been playing volleyball. Wait, what? She plays volleyball? The spandex kind? Does she have an amazing ass? Can I see her in her sp- Jesus Hannah reel it in! I need to stop daydreaming and pretend to be involved in this conversation. I peek over at Julie and see how her face lights up, whether it's from her passion for the game or the bartender giving her another Rum and Coke I don't know, but she answers "I've been playing for about five years. I love it, it's not only physical but mental. I love the challenge and the strategy of the game." and as she finishes her little spiel she winks at me. She what? For all she knows I could be into dudes! Actually, one look into my apartment and you see my friends and I at Pride, but still! She obviousely has balls to openly flirt with me, which I can drink to. So I do.

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