Have a Hart

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Hannah woke up, next to Julie in Julie's hospital bed. She jumped out of the bed, and stretched what felt like every bone in her body. The 5x5 bed was extremely uncomfortable, and her neck and back were as sore as ever. She massaged her neck while glancing at Julie, who was out cold. Hannah walked to the small coffee shop in the hospital and thought about everything Julie had told her the night before. She tried organizing her thoughts, and she just couldn't this time. Julie had a sister? Of course, had being the primary word here. Hannah thought about her family. True, she was kicked out when she came out to them, but at least they had never abused her or neglected her! And to have a sibling die? "Jesus..." Hannah said, not even realizing she had said that out loud. "I know, I know, I'm a sight for sore eyes love. I've been known to help cure eye problems," a twenty-something guy said from behind the counter. Hannah laughed, and then she placed her order. As he was making her tea, she was wondering what Julie would want. "Sorry, can I add a coffee to my order? Totally forgot," she said, and he nodded. "Sure. Black or with cream and sugar?" "Black. She loves black coffee" Hannah said, glancing around the deserted stand. "Is your mom sick?" he asked, his gaze flicking up to hers. "No...my uhhh," Hannah wasn't sure if Julie was her girlfriend. Is she? What if Julie doesn't want commitment? Is Hannah just a temporary thing? She got a knot in her throat at this, and the barista had to interrupt her to get her back to planet Earth. "Hey, you ok? Did I trigger something?" "Oh no! Sorry about that, it's...my girl...friend. Yeah. Anyway, here's the money...keep the change...". With this, Hannah ran out of there as fast as she could with two hot beverages, beating herself up for freezing up back there.

As Hannah approached Julie's room, she peeked around the corner of the door. 'God I'm such a creeper,' Hannah thought. Julie was staring off into space, and didn't see her. Hannah walked into the room. "H-hi" she said, silently kicking herself for being so awkward. It was the goddamn girlfriend thing. She knew it. "Well, hi" Julie said, fixing her gaze on Hannah. Julie cleared her throat before she continued, "Look...I don't know why I was so needy last night and basically forced you to kiss me" Julie stammered, her cheeks turning a deep crimson. "I guess because I've never told that...part of my life before. To anyone. I just- I just appreciate you listening. Thank you Hannah. " She finished, clearing her throat again and covering her face with her hands. Hannah set down the drinks and crossed the room to where Julie was in her bed. "Shit Julie, it's nothing. Really. I'm touched you would share that with me. Truly honored." She said, smiling gently at her girl...no. Her girlfriend. 

The next day, Julie was discharged from the hospital and Hannah drove them both to the apartment complex. Hannah decided to have Julie stay with her in her apartment for the next few days until Julie was 100 percent better. And, truthfully, she wanted to spend more time with Julie. After carrying Julie and her bags up the flight of stairs, they reached Hannah's apartment and she unlocked the door. "Home sweet home" Julie chimed, a little out of it from the final bout of morphine she had received this morning. Hannah chuckled, "Yup. You're home Julie."; and Julie bounded around the apartment, twirling in circles and making the hospital gown flash Hannah every turn or so. Julie was totally oblivious, so Hannah decided not to tease her. It's a rule for Hannah: Don't tease the druggie. She just smiled and started some laundry so Julie doesn't have to stay in her gown. "Han! Look!" Julie cried out, running and then doing a split in mid-air. "Hey! Nope! You need to rest!" Hannah called, running to where Julie was. "Catch me then" Julie said sensuously, winking at her and running across the hallway in her apartment. Hannah brushed her fingers through her hair, worried that Julie would knock herself out. Hannah walked across the hall, and opened all of the doors, checking every possible hiding place she could think of. Finally, Hannah walked into her room, and saw Julie sitting on the floor next to her bed. "Some hiding place" Hannah said, smiling. Julie got up, and put her hand on Hannah's waist. "I realized I just wanted you to pursue me" Julie said, leaning in to Hannah. Hannah's pace quickened, and she felt blood rushing everywhere to her body. Julie put her other hand on Hannah's face, stroking her face softly before leaning in and kissing her. Unlike their kiss at the hospital, this kiss was made of built up emotions and needs. Hannah tilted her head back slightly, adding a new intensity to their kiss. Julie grabbed Hannah's hips with both hands, then slid her hands down to the button on Hannah's jeans. Hannah broke the kiss quickly, wondering if Julie was okay or if the morphine really was getting to her. Julie looked at her, hurt and confusion on her face. "Did I-?" "No Julie, are you alright? You just got released from the hospital..." she started to say, but Julie put a finger on her lips. "Hannah. I'm fine. Can we continue?" With a nod, Hannah initiated the kiss. Their tongues were at war, fighting for control and the other's moans. Eventually, Hannah lost, and Julie smiled into the kiss. Julie quickly unzipped Hannah's jeans, and Hannah got distracted thereafter. Both girls were panting, and they crashed onto the bed in the center of the room. Julie straddled Hannah, and started kissing at the nape of her neck. Hannah sighed in pleasure, relishing the feelings of love and lust. "You like that?" Julie asked, fondiling Hannah's face. "Y-yes" Hannah said, filled with pure desire. "Just wait" Julie said. Before Hannah could ask any questions, her shirt was ripped off and she was under Julie's gaze. Admiring the porcelain skin and delicate features of the girl underneath her, Julie paused, soaking in all of the details of Hannah. Hannah squirmed, uncomfortable with the steady gaze given to her. As things started to heat up, however, Hannah become confident and they both breathed each other in, relishing the other and slating their passions and lust-filled desires.

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