Hart to Hart

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(I'm switching to first person narrator from Hannah's perspective for now, I'll let you know if I switch again!)

After my minor confrontation I quickly finished conditioning my hair and was toweling off, when I quickly ran to my room to put on my favorite flannel shirt and Bermuda shorts. Los Angeles is ridiculously hot in this heat and I was absolutely feeling it. Once I had my clothes on I calmly walked to where Julie was sitting in my living room. "So, renting here? Where are you from?" I inquired, genuinely curious but feigning indifference. She crinkles her nose slightly before answering my question. "I'm from Ridgecrest, it's northeast from here" she replies, and I shrug. "Never heard of it". "Yeah, most people haven't. But I'm glad to be here, I love LA already" she smiles. "Ok, Julie, well what apartment were you supposed to move into?" "I was told I'm moving into B27. But I'm guessing I was given the wrong address?". "Nah", I reply, "My apartment is B21. The numbers here are fucking indistinguishable. Need help moving in?".

So after finding the right apartment this time, I help her move her stuff into her two bedroom, decently sized apartment. It looks a lot like mine but my kitchen is new while hers has a nice 1990's, 'we don't give a shit' look to it. Which means it's probably a fire hazard to even put something in the oven here. After her car is unloaded I walk back to my place and crash on the couch, when I notice Grace texted me back two hours ago saying she wanted to go out again tonight, and that she was on her way. So Grace was definately at my apartment complex, probably in the lobby, most likely pissed at me. I text her to come up to my apartment and about ten seconds later I hear a knock. I walk to the door and see her outside my door, looking nervous. "Hannah! I thought something happened to you!" "No", I said, "I helped a girl move into her apartment". 

"Han! Invite her for drinks then! She probably needs one!" Grace practically shouts, and I shush her.

"Grace.... come on you've never even met her and she's already seen me in a towel..." 

"SHE WHAT!?" Grace squealed, clutching my arm in a death grip and grinning from ear to ear. "Jesus Grace I was in the shower and she knocked..." I reply, looking down at the floor.

"BOW CHICKA WOW WOW" Grace screams while laughing at how hilarious my story was to her. 

"Grace! Come on, nothing happened!" 

"Ok Han Jesus! But you totally should invite her to get shots with us. I'm friendly when I'm drunk!" Grace said to me, bouncing up and down. 

"All right, maybe I should check up on her anyway. She seemed over her head with all of that moving in crap so I'll just be the kind neighbor I am... and see if she wants to get shit-faced with us tonight," I say while Grace cheers next to me.

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