If you like Piña Coladas...

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Wow so my uploads have been fairly sporadic...sorry! Hopefully my schedule will slow down a bit and I can post on Sundays again. Anywho, I hope you guys are enjoying it, I love developing the characters and all that jazz. ALSO, MAMRIE HAS A BOOK? FAOJOWNJ??!!! THE HOLY TRINITY HAS MADE A BIBLE!!!!!!!! (Ok haha back to the story)


(Julie's POV)

Hannah stares at me, wide eyed. "WE ALMOST SCREWED IN FRONT OF MAMES!?" I laughed, throwing my shirt back on. "Hannah. It's fine. Mamrie is one of your best friends, no?" 

"Yes, but-"

"Han. Don't. Worry. Just put your shirt on and stop blushing quite so much. You're fine, we all know you're not a virgin."

She took a deep breath, put her shirt on, and opened the door. Mamrie, great gams and all, stood there, smiling at us. "You guys are fucking adorable. Please stay together forever."

I smile and look at the floor, my hair covering my face.

"Thanks Mames." Hannah says, a smile (FINALLY) reaching her pink lips. "Now get in here, we have a turkey to make!"

Several bottles of wine later, the turkey successfully comes out of the oven, and I pour us all another glass, and we toast the turkey for the third time. 

"So, Julie, how are you liking LA?"

"I love it, it's so gorgeous" I respond to Mamrie, and she nods in agreement. 

"It's such a unique place, nothing like North Carolina or, well, anywhere I guess. I mean, where else can you find a wild Hannah Hart?" she says, motioning to Hannah who's obsessively scrolling through her tumblr feed. I laugh, really truly laugh, for the longest time in years. My eyes stream, and Hannah looks up.

"What? Sorry. Wasn't listening."; causing Mamrie and I to hold onto the counter for dear life as we scream with laughter.

"Nothing babe. Go back to tumblr...or join the real world" I reply, winking at her.

"Ayooo Han! She got you. Alright, thanks for letting me use the stove guys. Have fun getting back to whatever 'wasn't' happening when I first got here" Mamrie says, smiling at us and she leaves.

"God. I freaking love Mamrie." I say, in awe of the redheaded comedian who was not only funny but also really down-to-earth. "The three of us should get drinks sometime. No! Wait! We should invite Grace too!"

"That actually sounds really fun! Maybe this weekend." She sighs, glancing at her phone on the table. 

"We should do something fun...something crazy..." I say, thinking out loud.

"Like...?" Hannah said, staring at me as if I had told her we should give up alcohol for the rest of our lives.

"Like...a....CRUISE! HANNAH WE SHOULD GO ON A CRUISE!!!" I shout, excitement welling up inside of my chest and consuming me in a frenzy. "PLEASE? C'MON HAN! HAN! HAN!??" 

"That...doesn't sound half bad...actually, that sounds pretty good, I haven't been on a cruise ship since I was twelve..." she says, glancing over at me as I'm dancing around her kitchen.

My mouth dropped open when for the second time that day sheer genius hit me. "Let's get Grace and Mames too! They'd love it!"

Hannah looks up from table, deep in thought. "They'd be awesome to go with. Yeah, let's invite them."

A few hours and several phone calls later, and luckily Grace and Mamrie are as excited about this trip as I am. We called the travel agency, looking for any ship that sailed out of California, and we found one out of Los Angeles for seven days that tours the Mexican Riviera. Grace formed a group message for us, and when I look at my phone I see the text from Mames saying, "We're going to Mexico, bitches!!!". After, we had to pack because our cruise leaves in ten days and none of us know what to pack. So I just put the Bob Marley music on my phone and blast it while Hannah and I start to pack.

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