My Sober Kitchen

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Hannah was in her kitchen, looking at the mess she had made last night while cooking in a drunken state. "Jesus, Hannah, what were you thinking?", she asked herself, groaning when she saw her phone face-down on the counter. The last time this happened, she had somehow drunk-texted her parents "looking for a threesome"... yes, really. After seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she texted her friends, Grace and Mamrie, asking if they could meet for drinks again tonight. True, she was incredibly hungover and probably could use one of Mamrie's weird juice cleanses, but she can always start that tomorrow. Mamrie immediately responded and said she still was completely out of it from drinking a full bottle of wine and two shots in the past 14 hours. Grace...well...Grace was probably still shitfaced, and Hannah laughed, remembering when she would have to take care of Grace after a heavy night of drinking, figuring she would respond once her head stopped pounding. Hannah, on the other hand, was fine and checked all her social media accounts. After wasting about two hours on Twitter and Youtube, she figured she should shower and get ready to go to the bar again with Grace. Or have another Netflix date with herself. Either way, she felt repulsive and so she went into the bathroom to take a nice shower.

Halfway through singing while conditioning her hair, she heard a relentless knock on her apartment's door. "Dammit!" she said, realizing she had to answer her door dripping wet in her towel..."Well, fuck it," she thought, and walked to the door. The person wouldn't stop knocking and she opened it, about to give them a piece of her mind, when she stopped.

"Can I help you?" Hannah asked as politely as she could, but she had an undertone of aggravation in her voice. Then she realized she was in a towel and leaving puddles on the hardwood, and she really didn't look as tough as she felt.

"Hi, sorry to interrupt your...uhh...shower I just had a...quick drive...well it really wasn't that quick it was like three hours...shit, I can come back later, okay? I just thought this was the apartment I was renting but I was wrong..."Julie stammered, trying not to stare at the half-naked girl in front of her. Julie's pulse was pounding and she was stumbling over her words. She quickly looked down at her boobs, to make sure she hadn't pulled a Janet Jackson, that would be God awful. Given how this day had been going, anything that could go wrong probably would.

"First day with tits?" Hannah asked with a smirk on her face. "No...I just thought...I had lint on my shirt. That's all." Nice save Julie, she thought quickly before turning away to try to find the right address in this building.

"Wait!" Hannah said, motioning for her to turn around. "Here, I can help you. What number are you renting? I just need to finish my shower and I can help...But my sister said to never talk to strangers so we should introduce ourselves. I'm Hannah."

Julie quickly blurted out her name, and she walked inside and tried not to watch Hannah walk back to her shower, even though Hannah freaking worked that towel. "God Julie", she muttered, "Get a goddamn hold of yourself. She's just showering".

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