The Hart of the Matter

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(Julie's POV)

I dashed out of Hannah's apartment and ran to the lobby. I saw Jeff, the apartment "overseer" who basically has to put up with all the bullshit that happens here. "Jeff! Jeff! Man I looked everywhere for you yesterday!" I said loudly, leaning slightly against the desk he was using. "'re the new girl right? You need the extra keys?" he said cautiously. "Yes, I always need two pairs." He hands them to me and I thank him and lightly jog to my apartment and open the door. Home sweet...well home sweet rental I guess. I boil some water for a cup of tea and think about everything that's happened in one day. First: I moved far enough away to finally be free from all the judgment I have had to deal with, which was amazing. Next, I actually had a nice conversation with Grace while being social and actually enjoying a bar for once. And, of course, Hannah. Hannah was just someone everyone was drawn to. She was funny, and although she was strong she still had emotions. Oh, and Hannah was gorgeous no matter what she wore. I started thinking about Hannah in her towel and had to physically shake my head to try to focus on cleaner thoughts.

The next week was fairly uneventful, and so were the next two after that, with me basically placing the finishing touches on my apartment and trying to get the nerve go on a date with Hannah. We had talked a bit over those three weeks, but I figured I should take the initiative for once in my life. I was going to text her but not only was that impersonal for a date/new friend but I also didn't have Hannah's phone number. So, that Saturday night I finally got up enough nerve to knock on Hannah's apartment door to ask her on an informal date to a restaurant. Hannah answered, wearing Bermuda shorts and an adorable plaid shirt that I saw at Topman a few days ago. How can Hannah look so sexy in men's clothes? God, Hannah could be a model if she wanted to, that's how stunning she was. Yet again, I was just staring, and so Hannah said to me "Hi, is this now the first day you noticed I had tits? It's ok, they're really not that big. Easy to miss", smirking at me and raising her eyebrows. I figured I could dish it out as well so I replied "Sorry, guess I was missing the towel you wore when we first met" and I saw Hannah turn crimson. Wait...I caused Hannah to blush? Damn, I didn't think it was that easy. I gave her my sexiest smirk and calmly lifted one of my eyebrows at her, and enjoyed watching her struggle to think of another comeback. And somehow she does. "No, I think you missed all the innuendos you made while I was trying to get you to calm down while you were blitzed. You seem to really love cats"  she replies, winking at me, and I know I didn't make innuendos while I was drunk, right? Naturally, I turn pink and decide I'll never win this war. Hannah was clearly the best at comebacks. I decided to try to ignore the part of my brain wondering what else she was good at and I asked her if she wanted dinner at a nice café that wasn't too far away.  She claps her hands together and runs into her apartment, and graps an Asos hat and her keys. I laugh when she grabs them and she tells me she didn't feel like dealing with Jeff anytime soon.

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