City Lights - MIW

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Guide: Y/N = your name

                Y/BF = Your best friend's name

You're currently sitting alone on a bench on the side of the road, contemplating what just happened. You had just gotten in a fight with Y/BF, and you're pretty sure they hate you.  

Flash back

"Y/BF, I already told you! I'm not dating him! Why the heck did you tell everyone?!" You yell, gaining stares. You're in the middle of the mall. You had just found out that Y/BF had told everyone that you were dating Derrick. Derrick is the school's best football player. Yes, you had a crush on him, but you would never date him. He's just not the type of guy you were looking for.  You were looking for someone who would like you for you, not someone who would just use you for more popularity.  "Y/N! I'm sorry! I thought you said you were!" Y/BF says. "Just leave me alone! Everything I tell you ends up being broadcasted to everyone else! You make me sick!" You spit, running out of the mall. You had no way to get home, and you were tired of running. You found a bench on the side of the road, and decided to take a break before continuing.

end flash back

You stare off into the distance at the lights of the city. Your phone vibrates in your pocket. 

*25 missed calls from Y/BF*

*5 missed calls from mom*

*text from Y/BF: Y/N, I'm sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?*

*text from Y/BF: Y/N, I hope we can still be friends. I'm really sorry.*

*text from mom: Y/N, where are you?*

You don't answer any of them. You just want to be alone right now. The dim light of an overhead street lamp illuminates a sheet of paper beside you. You pick it up. It's from Y/BF.


I'm really sorry. I didn't know. It was stupid of me to lie to everyone. If you don't want to be friends anymore, I understand. I deserve this. It's all my fault. I'm sorry. I was going to ask you if you wanted to go  see MIW with me over spring break, but now, after this, I'm not sure you'll want to go with me. Again, I'm sorry. I'll tell everyone I was mistaken. I'll take the shame for you. 



You don't realize you're crying until you feel someone place a hand on your shoulder. You look up at them, only to find yourself face to face with Chris Motionless from Motionless in White. The tour bus is behind him. He must've see you on the side of the road, and came to make sure you were ok. "Hey, are you alright? Do you have any way to get home?" Chris asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. My ride ditched me," you say, wiping the tears from your face with the sleeve of your Slipknot sweatshirt that Y/BF had gotten you the year before for your birthday.  "Oh, that sucks. Why don't you come with me. I don't want you sitting out there all night," He says, offering you a place to stay the night. "Are you sure? You don't have to," You say. You don't want to intrude. "It's fine. Come on, why don't you tell me what happened, because obviously something had to make you cry," He says, leading you to the bus. "Thanks," You sniffle, taking his hand.

"So, what happened?" Chris asks you, as you sit down. "Me and my best friend had a fight. She told everyone I was dating this guy named Derrick, who's like, the most popular guy in school. But I'm not dating him. She knew I wasn't dating him, but she told everyone anyway. She ditched me after that, and then I found this. She said she wanted to go to your concert, and she wanted to bring me, but now, I'm not so sure if she's going to want to go with me. She's worried that I won't go with her. I feel like I just ruined our friendship," you say, through tears. "I'm sure she'll want to go with you. It was just a fight, you guys will make up. You can stay here for the night if you need to. I don't want you walking home in the dark," He says, grabbing your hand. "Thanks, Chris. She's going to freak out when I tell her what happened," you say, hugging him. 

You fall asleep, cherishing this moment. You really wanted to meet the others, but they were already asleep. Chris must've been driving. Maybe in the morning you'll get to meet the others.

You wake up super early the next morning, still in the same clothes from yesterday. You didn't have a change of clothes. You normally didn't like to sleep in your clothes, let alone wear them for two days without washing them. You venture out to the front of the bus. Chris had let you sleep in his bunk. He slept on the couch. "Morning," Chris says, as you check your phone, which had been charging. "Morning! Oh, I never told you my name! I'm Y/N," you say. "That's a nice name. The others should be up soon. If not, you can go wake them up. They'll yell at me if I wake them up. They won't yell at you though. They would never yell at a fan," Chris says. "Ok, well, now seems like a good time!" you say, making Chris laugh. "Haha, you go ahead. This is going to be funny to watch," Chris says, as you go back to where the bunks are.

"Oh my god! Look outside! There's a giant dancing potato!" You yell, waking them up. The results are hilarious. They actually believed you. Ghost, Ricky, Ryan, and Vinny all climb over each other to look outside, while you roll around on the floor, laughing your brains out. Chris is in the other room, laughing at how stupid his bandmates are in the morning. "Where?" Ricky asks. "There's no potato," Ghost says, "Only a girl I don't know rolling around on the floor laughing like a maniac!" That makes you laugh even harder.

Chris comes into the room, laughing at the others. "Oh my god, you should've seen yourselves!" Chris says, helping you up. "Please tell me you got that on video!" you say, calming down a bit. "Yep! I'll send it to you," he says, asking for your number. You give it to him, so he can send you the video. "Chris, who's this?" Ryan asks. "This is Y/N. She was stranded on the side of the road, so I'm going to drop her off at her house later," Chris says. "Hi," you say, shyly. 

"Oh, ok," Vinny says. You take a picture with everyone before Chris drops you off at your house.

Two months later, you and Y/BF are at the MIW concert together. She found the video hilarious. "I told you you'd make up," Chris says, while he's on stage. If it wasn't for Chris, you and Y/BF wouldn't be there right now. 

You and Chris still text. You had built up a trust in him that was rare for a fan to have. He helped you through all of life's problems. He'd become a close family friend after he gave you a ride home. Your mom finally understands why you love Chris. She doesn't think he's scary anymore. School has gotten better after everyone stopped talking about the rumour that Y/BF had spread. You were so thankful that Chris had been there that night. While you were alone in the city lights of LA.

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