CPR pt 2 - MIW

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Chris' P.O.V
Oh no...

She doesn't have a pulse. Devin runs over and pushes me out of the way, starting CPR. Ricky takes me to another room.

Ricky's P.O.V

Chris checks her pulse and I can see his face drop. Devin runs over and pushes him out of the way and starts CPR. I can tell Chris is about to break down. I need to get him out of the room.

I take him to the bunks and try to calm him down.

"Chris, she'll be ok. Devin knows what he's doing," I tell him.

"What if she doesn't make it, Rick?" Chris asks.

"Then she'll be in a better place. We just have to wait and see," I say.

Devin's P.O.V

Five minutes later, the girl wakes up and starts freaking out.

"Hey, Hey, it's ok," I say.

Your P.O.V

You wake up as Ghost is performing CPR on you. You shoot up, freaking out.

"Hey, Hey, it's ok," Ghost says, "you're ok. Chris!"

You're having a panic attack. You read somewhere that Chris has experience with this kind of stuff.

Chris runs into the room and immediately takes you into his arms. You wrap your arms around him allowing him to rub circles on your back and comfort you.

Chris eventually calms you down and you all end up watching a movie.

Around halfway through Devin loses consciousness and passes out. You immediately run over to him and check his pulse. The others are watching you, worried. Nothing.

"Call 911! Get an AED!" You yell, starting CPR.

Vinny comes back with an AED and you take it from him. You take Devin's shirt and put the things on before shocking him.

He wakes up, and the ambulance gets here five minutes later.

*time skip*

"Y/N, thank you," Devin says, from his hospital bed.

"Devin, it was no problem, really," you say.

"What can I do to repay you?" He asks.

"Devin, you don't need to repay me. You saved my life and then I saved yours. Just knowing you're ok is enough for me," you say.

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