Better Off Dead - Kellin Quinn (SWS)

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*Trigger Warning: self-harm, attempted suicide*

What did you ever do to them? Absolutely nothing. Not a damn thing. Yet, they hate you. For no reason at all. They just hate you. Who's 'they'? Basically everyone at school. Mostly Andrew, and Kyle. They're the biggest ones. Everyone's always saying you should go die in a hole. They never liked you in the first place. Everyone thinks you're a freak. It's understandable since you have many piercings and your hair is self-cut. You grew up cutting your own hair. You had recently dyed it blue, and you had been getting a lot of negative attention for it. 

Your phone vibrates in your pocket as you get a cup to get water. You pull it out, only to forget about getting water. 

*Text from Devin: Go kill yourself, freak! No one would even care! You're just a mistake! No wonder your parents abandoned you!*

Oh, yeah. Your parents left after you got snake bites. They said they didn't want a messed up freak in their family. They left you to live on your own. Yes, they still paid the bills for the house and everything, but you were living alone. 

That's it. You're done with this. There's no point in even trying. You decide to do everyone a favor and just delete yourself from the world. You grab your blade and leave the house. You go out to the highway bridge by your house and sit on the edge. You make several cuts along your wrist, before getting ready to jump. 

"Wait! Don't jump!" Someone yells, getting out of their car. You recognize that voice. You look behind you, to see Kellin Quinn running toward you. You lose your grip in shock, but grab on to the ledge. You scream as your grip slips a little. "I got you! Come on, grab my hand!" Kellin says, reaching down to you. You grab his hand, almost falling. You whimper in fear, as your other hand begins to slip. "Don't look down. Just look at me. I won't let you fall," he says, grabbing your other arm. You're crying at this point. Why did you ever decide to do something so stupid? 

Kelling pulls you back over, sitting you down against the barrier. "Hey, are you ok? What made you do this?" Kellin asks, noticing your bloody wrist. You just cry even harder, barely able to speak. "Everyone at school," You say, sobbing. "Honey, don't ever listen to them. You have so much to live for. Where are your parents?" he asks, wrapping your wrist. "They left me after I got my snake bites. They said they didn't want a freak like me in their family," You say. Your whole body is shaking at this point, and Kellin pulls you into a hug, trying to calm you down. "Honey, that's abuse. Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asks. "I don't know. I guess I was scared," You say. "Why don't you come live with me. You won't ever have to see those jerks again," he says. Oh my god, he just offered to adopt you. "You'd really do that?" You ask. "Yes. I can't stand seeing kids with no one to make sure they're safe," he says. "Oh my god! Thank you!" You say.

You get your stuff and go with Kellin to his house. 

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