Put The Gun Down - Andy Black/ Andy Biersack

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It's a cold December night. Snow covers everything in the near vicinity. You've been waiting for snow all year, and now your town finally got it. You were off school all this week because the roads were too hazardous for buses. You were glad you finally got a break from all the work you had to do. You're currently walking home from the library. You had finished your other book and went to get a new one. You love to read. 

You're halfway home when you hear screams from an alley. You keep walking. You don't want to get caught up in whatever danger lurked in that alley. But there was something familiar about those screams. Your parents! They were your parents' screams! The dim light in the alley illuminates the blood-stained snow where your parents were, and a shadowy figure holding a gun. Shit! Whoever they were, have just killed your parents and now they were going to kill you!

You start running, hoping you could get away in time. You were never much of a runner. You only ran when you had to. And now was a life or death situation. You ran as fast as your legs would allow, but it was useless. The man was faster than you. 

Eventually, he caught up to you and you were trapped in a corner. You start screaming for help, hoping someone would hear you. You knew it was probably hopeless, but you tried anyway. You hear someone running toward your pleas for help, and wait for something to happen. Nothing does. The man is still aiming the gun at you. "Help!" You squeak one last time. That will probably be your last word, as you prepare for the worst. 

"Hey! Put the gun down! Leave the girl alone!" A deep voice yells. Wait, you know that voice. Andy! It's Andy! Andy as in Andy Black! The man doesn't respond. Andy runs toward the man, tackling him to the ground. The man's finger was still on the trigger and pulled it, hitting you in the waist. Andy knocks the man out, and rushed over to you, who is covered in blood, and putting pressure on the wound. 

"Hey, are you alright?" Andy asks you, lifting your shirt so he can investigate the wound. "A-Andy?..." You groan, in pain. "Shh, honey. Don't waste your energy. I'm guessing those were your parent back in the other alley," he says, tying his shirt over your wound. You nod, as he lifts you off the ground, and rushes you to his car.

He gets you to the hospital, and the nurses immediately get you into a room. They take care of the wound immediately, having you stay until you're completely stable.  Andy stays with you the entire time, closely watching over you so you're not alone. 

You regain the strength to talk, hoping to say something to Andy. "T-Thank y-you," You manage to say. Wow, that was a struggle. "Honey, it was no problem. You deserved to live. I did the right thing. I would've gladly taken the bullet for you if I could.  I was just in the right place at the right time," Andy says, taking your hand. "W-What am I g-gonna do now though? He killed my parents. I have nowhere to go, Andy," you say. "Here, why don't you come stay with me. It gets pretty lonely living alone," he says. "Are- are you sure?" you say. You don't want to intrude. "Yeah, I don't mind," he says. "I would love to," you say, taking the offer. 

A month later, you and Andy are goofing off all the time. His bandmates love you, they're always visiting.I guess something good really can come out of something bad.

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