Weirdo in the pit -BVB

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You're at a BVB concert, and you're a few rows away from the stage. Someone gave you the tickets because they had a change of plans and couldn't go.

You have this weird feeling that someone's watching you but you shrug it off. It's probably just your anxiety playing tricks on you.

In the middle of Knives And Pens,
Someone grabs you.

"Let go of me!" You yell.

"Shut up," the guy snarls, gagging you.

Great. Wait, you can still scream. You start screaming like your life depends on it. That gets their attention. Andy stops singing and starts to look for you. The guy shoves a knife through your cheeks, before throwing you to the ground.

"We were just informed that there's
An armed intruder in the building. Everyone please exit and get somewhere safe. We will be rescheduling this concert for free,"
Andy says.

Everyone leaves except for you, who is in too much pain to even move.

"Oh my god, Andy, look! I think that's who was screaming," Ashley says.

Jake is the first person to you, and he immediately calls the others over.

"Oh my god! How are we gonna get that out without hurting her more?!"
Cc asks.

Andy says.

"You ready honey?" Jake asks, getting ready to take the knife out.

You nod, before Ashley takes your hand.

Jake stabilizes your head with one hand and carefully pulls the knife out. He then holds cloths to your cheeks, stopping the blood from staining your clothes. They'd ungagged you earlier and now you're just sobbing in pain.

Eventually the bleeding stops and Jake puts fairly large bandaids over the wounds.

"Honey, are your parents at home?"
Andy asks.

You shake your head, no. They had died a year prior.

"They died," you manage to say.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. How about you come with us? We'll give you a place to stay," Andy says.

You just nod, allowing Ashley to pick you up. You bury your face in his shoulder as he carry's you to the bus. You fall asleep in his arms and he lays you in his bunk.

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