Tornado P. 3

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"Johannes...that's my parents' car..." you stutter, frozen in place.

It's flipped over and torn up. You look up at Johannes before running over. Johannes follows you.

You instantly regret going over. Your parents are sitting dead, hugging each other.

"Oh my god..." Johannes gasps.

You feel your stomach churning. You're gonna be sick.

"I think I'm gonna be sick..." you groan, clutching your stomach.

You keel over, throwing up as Johannes holds your hair back.

"Let it out honey," he says, rubbing your back.

Once you're done, you turn around immediately being engulfed in Johannes' arms.

"I'm so sorry honey..." he says, sadly.

"What am I going to do? I don't have any other family to go to..." you cry, as he runs his hand over your hair.

"Honey, I know this is kinda sudden, but I could take you in. I want to be there for you. I know I'm just some guy from a band and you barely know me. But given the situation, I can tell you need someone. Someone to be there for you, someone who understands how you feel. So what do you say?" He says.

Wait, what? This can't be happening. You've looked up to Johannes for so long.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden," you say, quietly.

"Honey no. You'll never be a burden. What makes you think that?"

"I have really bad anxiety, and I'm struggling with self harm. After what just happened, I'll most likely have PTSD," you say.

"Sweetie, that doesn't make you a burden. Listen, I'm gonna help you," he says.

Before you know it, one of his band members is here to pick you two up.

After the whole ordeal, you end up living with Johannes touring with him and the band, while managing your mental health.

Oof 3 whole parts. Wow. I just watched a movie about tornadoes so uh yeah lol. The second part of  this was like 700 words long lmao.

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