Request for Alicemaydaltrey ~ Roger Daltrey

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This is for alicemaydaltrey


Roger is at the Studio, while his girlfriend, Y/N, is at home, binge watching Friends.

Y/N has a doctors appointment today to find out the gender of the baby. Roger already knows she's pregnant, she'd told him as soon as she found out.  It's not until 3:30 and it's 2:30, so she's got an hour before she's gotta go.

They already picked out possible names for the baby: b/n if it's a boy and g/n if it's a girl. Roger is secretly hoping for a boy, but Y/N doesn't really care what gender the baby is.

*time skip becuase I got kinda stuck on what else to do*

Y/N is at the doctors office getting the ultrasound done.

"Y/N, it looks like you've got twins," the doctor says.

"What?" Y/N says, shocked.

"One girl and one boy. Would you like a picture?"

"Please," Y/N says.

She decides not to tell Roger until he gets home from the studio. It will just distract him from his work.

The doctor comes back with the pictures, and Y/N is on her way home.

*Another time skip (sorry, haha, writers block)*

Y/N is making dinner, when Roger gets home.

"Hey, baby, how's the appointment go?" Roger asks, coming up behind Y/N, planting a kiss on the back of her head.

Y/N takes the Picture out of her back pocket and hands it to Roger.

"TWINS?! Baby, this is crazy! We'll have to mini mes running around!" Roger says.

"Well, one mini you, and one mini me," Y/N says, laughing.

"This is Great! We can use both names now!!" He says.

He drops down to Y/Ns stomach.

"You two have the best mommy in the world. And y'all better like The Who," he says, talking to the babies.

Sorry this was short, I was swamped with school work and it's not gonna be letting up any time soon haha. Hope you like it! :)

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