Hostage ~ Tobias Forge

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You sit, bound to a chair and gagged, waiting for someone to come save you.

You were leaving the Ghost concert and someone took you hostage. They took you to some room backstage and locked the door.

One of the guys takes the gag off.

"Not one sound or you're dead," he snarls.

"What do you want from me?"  You whimper, terrified.

"What did I tell you?!" He says, smacking you, making your head fly to the side from the force.

Your nose is now bleeding.  You hear someone walking by the door. You know if you scream, they'll kill you, but they'll probably kill you anyway. Before you can scream, you're gagged again.

"Stay here. We have to go do something. Be quiet or else," the same guy says, shoving you into the wall, making you cough up blood and slapping you again.

Five minutes later, you hear someone stop in front  of the door. This is your chance.

You start screaming as tears stream down your face. The door opens and someone runs in. You can't see who it is because you're vision is blurred from your tears.

"Holy shit..." they say, untying you, after taking the gag out.

You know that voice.

Papa Emeritus! 

As he helps you up, the other guys run back in.

He gets in front of you, protecting you.

"Give us the girl," one of them snarls.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?!" Papa yells, "she's a child!"

One of them manages to grab you and presses a gun to your temple.

Oh god...please no.... 

"Just let her go. She has nothing to give you..." Papa pleads, trying to get them to let you go.

"No. We're sacrificing her," the lead guy says, darkly.

You start crying even more.

"Oh shut up," one of them says, slapping you again.

They drop a match on the floor and start a fire in the shape of a pentagram.

You start thrashing around trying to get free as they start dragging you over to the fire.

"Papa!!" You scream, as they drag you closer.

One of them is blocking him from getting to you.

You manage to kick the guy dragging you in the balls, making him let go and you run to Papa, sobbing in fear.

All of a sudden there's a sudden pain in your leg. You look down to see that you've been shot.

Papa notices and immediately picks you up and  runs you out of the room as you grip onto him in pain.

"Thank you Papa..." you groan, about to pass out.

"Please, call me Tobias honey," he says, "try to stay awake, ok?"

You nod as your grip tightens before you go limp in his arms.

Part two?

I kind of have an obsession with Ghost right now. 

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