Attacked - Dave Mustaine

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You're just starting walking home from the Megadeth show you went to, and you're listening to your music in our earbuds. You're still outside the arena. You're wearing your oversized Megadeth hoodie.

It's 11 at night and a fourteen year old girl shouldn't be walking home alone. You know you should've taken a taxi but you didn't.

You sense someone following you as turn around to find no one. Ok.....

You walk faster, trying to get out of there faster. Someone grabs you and pulls you into an alley, shoving you to the ground.

"What do you want?" You groan, trying to get up but being forced back down.

They chuckle.

"You don't remember? It's me," they say.

Oh. It's Dylan. Great. He's been bullying you for forever.

"Dylan, please, just leave me alone," you groan.

He smirks before proceeding to beat you up as you scream in pain. You just lay there, screaming and sobbing, too weak to try to fight him off.

Nobody knows this is happening, if they did, someone would be coming to help. He continues to beat you for ten minutes before leaving.

You're sure you have a few broken ribs and you're bruised and cut up to shit.

You can see a door nearby that says 'Backstage'. You're sure that security has already left, and you read somewhere that Megadeth stays and after parties at the venue for a while.

It wouldn't hurt to try would it?

You weakly make your way over to the door and open it, going in and sliding down against the wall, weakly whimpering out in pain.

There's tears streaming down your face as you sit there in pain. Dried blood coats your body and runs down your face from you nose and hairline. Your breathing comes in gasps as you wait for someone to notice that you're there.

"Yo, Dave, I think there's someone here," someone says, "I can hear them crying."

"Hold on, Nick. I'll go check it," another voice says.

You hear footsteps approaching you before you see a bunch of red hair running toward you. Dave.

"Oh my god..." Dave  says, grabbing a bag from around the corner and running to your side.

You look up at him in pain.

"He's still out there...." you groan.

He grabs the bag, and then goes to pick you up. You hiss in pain as he slips his arms under you and lifts you gently.

He looks down at me sadly as I grip onto him in pain. He takes you to his dressing room and lays you down on the couch.

"Honey, what happened?" He asks, cleaning the blood off you.

You explain the whole thing as he feels around for any injuries. You scream in pain as he touches your ribs.

"Holy Shit...."

"It hurts...." you groan in pain, clutching onto him.

"I know. Come on, I need to get you to a hospital," he says getting ready to pick you up.

You get really dizzy and start to sway.

"Dave..." you groan, before blacking out.

Dave's POV

I run over to where the whimpering is coming from and see a young girl against the wall, completely covered in blood. She's gotta be what? 14?

Wait, isn't this the same girl that was squished against the barricade because people were moshing behind her and she couldn't get out of it in time?

She looks up with pain in her eyes. It is! But what the hell happened? Why is she covered in blood? Was she raped?

"He's still out there," a small voice groans.

He? She was either raped or attacked. She still has all her clothes so she was probably attacked. I grab the first aid bag and pick her up. She hisses in pin as I do. Poor thing. She's only 14. What did she do to deserve this? I swear to god when I get my hands on the son of a bitch that did this to her, I'll beat the living shit out of them.

I take her to my dressing room and lay her on the couch that's in there. It's not the most comfortable but it's better than the ground.

I ask her what happened. She explains everything. So there's this guy from school who's been bullying her ever since she can remember. He has no reason to hate her, he just does. I feel so bad for her. She just had the best night of her life only for it to be ruined by him beating her up.

I feel around for any injuries and she screams in pain when I gently brush over her ribs. Holy shit, she has a broken rib, maybe even more than one.

"It hurts...." she groans in pain, clutching onto me.

Damn this is breaking my heart. Come on, I won't cry. Not in front of her. Not in front of a fan. She obviously looks up to me.

"I know. Come on, I need to get you to the hospital," I say.

She starts to sway as I get ready to pick her up and take her to my truck. Shit! Before I can say anything, she blacks out.

I lift her tiny, limp body and run out to my truck.

I gently lay her across the back seats and speed off to the nearest hospital. I keep looking back at her through the rear view mirror, making sure if she wakes up, I'm there for her.

I get to the hospital and run her in. The nurses take her away on a stretcher while handing me some paperwork.

"What's your relationship to her sir?" The receptionist asks once I finish all the medical forms.

"I'm Dave Mustaine. You might know me from Megadeth. She's a fan of mine and I found her with at least one broken rib. I'm guessing she got beaten up outside the door and managed to get in. She looks up to me so I figured I should be there for her," i say.

"Wow, ok. Well, we found her ID in her back pocket. Her name is Y/N Y/LN. her record says that her parents are both deceased. By the looks of it, you're all she has," they say.

Oh my god. How did she afford tickets to my show? Where has she been living? Has she been living on the streets? How's she been getting to school?

"She was placed in foster care. She's gone through so many abusive homes. We don't know the situation in her current placement, but we could end all of her moving around if someone would adopt her. I'm not saying you need to adopt her, I'm just explaining everything," the lady says.

I can't just leave her to be potentially abused again. She's already been through enough.

"Do you have the adoption papers?" I ask quickly. Ruf

I want to make sure she's safe. I don't know why, but I feel connected to her.

"Yes. I'll get them right away," she says, surprised.

She comes back with a big stack of paper and hands it to me.

"May I fill it out in her room?"

"No sir. She's still in surgery. We'll have someone call you when she's awake," she says.

"Ok. Thank you."

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