Attacked pt 2 - Dave Mustaine

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I get wup and follow the nurse to Y/N's room. God, I hope she's ok.


You wake up to a bright light. You're in the hospital again. The nurse comes in and makes sure you're stable before leaving to get someone.

You just lay there trying to adjust to the light.

You don't know what happened. All you remember is being beat up. Who took you here?

Someone comes into the the room, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You look over to see Dave Mustaine. What the?! He brought you here?!

"Hey, how are you feeling, honey?" He asks, sitting down in a chair next to you.

"I could be better. Wait, what happened? I know I got beat up but everything after was just a blur," you say.

"I found you leaning against the wall by the backstage exit door. You were covered in blood. I took you to my dressing room and cleaned you up while you explained everything. Then I found out you had a broken rib, and took you to the hospital and you passed out in the car," he says.

Really? Wow. He didn't have to do that.

"Thanks. You really didn't have to. You could've just called an ambulance," you say.

He grabs your hand.

"What kind of person would I be if I did that? You obviously look up to me," he says, "also, the receptionist told me about your situation. How would you feel about me adopting you?"

Wait, what? Really?

"Wait, really? You really don't have to," you say.

He just smiles. What?

"Welcome to the Mustaine family, honey. I already signed the forms. We'll go by your place later and get your stuff," he says.

You feel a tear run down your face. This isn't happening.

Dave reaches over and wipes it away, pulling you into a hug.

"Hey, shh. It's ok," he says, rubbing circles on your back.

You bury your head in his shoulder.

"Thank you..." you sob, clutching onto him.

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