Guitar - Eddie Van Halen

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Rest In Peace, Eddie. You were such an amazing guitarist that left the world to soon, such an influence for so many other guitarists, including me. I've only been playing for a year and I'm already learning the Crazy Train solo, and I can kinda play the tapping part, and only the tapping part, of Eruption. If it wasn't for your influence, I probably would've given up by now, to be honest.

Y/N had been good friends with Eddie for a while now. He'd taken her to the studio to meet the rest of the band, and even got her in to a couple of their shows. Y/N's always had an interest in playing guitar, and she'd been meaning to ask Eddie if he'd be open to teaching her. She knows he's got a busy schedule, but she's hoping he can find the time to do it.

"Hey, Eddie?" Y/N says, turning towards him.

"Yes?" He says, pausing the Episode of The Simpsons, that they were in the middle of watching.

"I was wondering, if maybe you'd be open to teaching me guitar? I totally understand if you don't have the time," Y/N says, nervously.

"Of course I'll teach you! I thought you'd never ask," he says, immediately getting up and dragging her to his basement. "Come on! We can start now if you want."

"Really? Wow, thanks, Eddie," Y/N says, struggling to keep up with him as he practically drags her down the stairs. "Eddie, please, slow down, I'm gonna fall."

He slows down a bit, apologizing.

"Which one.....Got it," Eddie says, picking out a guitar for Y/N, and handing it to her. "Now, you be careful with that.I'm sure you know how expensive these are."

Y/N laughs.

"Eddie, I know. You know I'd be beating myself up for years if I broke one of your guitars," Y/N says.

"Ok, well, we should probably start with scales and chords so you have a basis to learn from. Ok, uh, put your fingers how I have mine," Eddie says, forming the G chord on his guitar.

"Like this?" Y/N asks.

"Hold on," Eddie says, moving her finger to the right place. "There it is."

They continue this for another half an hour alternating between chords and scales.

Y/N, at one point, accidentally played the riff from Smoke on the Water, and Eddie kinda went nuts.

"How'd you do that?! You've only been taught chords and a few scales!" He says.

"Uhm, I guess I just have the ear for music," Y/N says, not expecting Eddie's reaction.

"I guess you do," Eddie says.

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