Request for BrideofHarryStyles - Luke Hemmings 2

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This is for brideofharrystyles

Emmy and Luke have been happily married for  five and a half years now. Ashton still lives with Emmy and Luke. Luke has been in and out of the studio a lot recently with the rest of the band,and all Emmy can think about is losing Luke.


Emmy is in the kitchen making penne and sausage in spaghetti sauce, with some garlic bread on the side. All while dancing to the new album.

Luke comes down from upstairs, and walks in on Emmy, sneaking a look at her bum.

"Oh my gosh, Emmy, you're so adorable," Luke says, "when you're finished, do you want to watch Degrassi?"

"That Sounds Great. I'll be finished in around five minutes," Emmy says.

"Ok, honey, I'll get it started then if that's alright," Luke says, heading out to the living room.

"That's alright," Emmy says.

Emmy finishes the food, and puts it into the oven, which is now set to keep warm, and joins Luke on the couch as the two start the next episode of Degrassi. They end up watching to the end of the season they were on, and half way into the next, all while cuddling with each other.  They never end up eating dinner, as Emmy fell asleep. Luke just stays still, not wanting to wake Emmy.

He looks down at her, and notices her lip quivering. He knows shes about to cry, so he shifts so he can hold her until she wakes up.

"Emmy, baby, what's wrong?" Luke says, as Emmy wakes up, crying.

"I don't want to talk about it...." Emmy says.

"Come on Emmy, we promised we'd talk about things like this. You woke up crying, something must've happened," Luke says.

"Luke, please, not now. I really don't want to talk about it, and I don't like fighting about it either," she says, crossing her arms.

"Emmy, you know I'm here for you. I hate seeing you upset," he says, "Please, can we just talk about it for a little while? You don't have to tell me everything."

"I said I don't want to talk about it!" Emmy says, as she storms up to their room, locking the door behind her.

Apparently Ashton had heard the entire thing, and talks to Luke.

"Luke, you need to lay off her. She was cheated on in all of her relationships, and she fears losing you to other girls at the studio. She obviously doesn't want to talk about what happened, because she doesn't want to hurt you," Ashton says.

"Oh my gosh... I knew she was cheated on in all her relationships, but I didn't know that she thought I would cheat. You know I'd never do that," Luke says. "Emmy deserves the world, and I would never even think about hurting her."

Luke goes upstairs, only to find the door locked.

"Emmy? Can I come in?" he says, gently knocking on the door.

"I guess. I still don't want to talk about it though," Emmy says, unlocking the door.

"Hey, I'm not gonna make you talk about anything. Ashton told me about how you're scared of losing me to other girls at the studio, so how about you come work with me in the studio? You'll have your own office, and you won't have to worry so much," Luke says, sitting down next to Emmy on the bed.

"Really? Are the guys ok with that?" Emmy asks.

"I'm sure they'll be fine with it. I'm so sorry for trying to get you to talk about it, my little chocolate croissant," he says.

"It's ok. I just didn't want to hurt you," Emmy says.

"I know, Ashton told me. Can I hug you, hunny?" He asks.

"Yes, Luke, you know you don't have to ask me right?" Emmy says.

"I know, I just don't like to just grab you," he says, hugging her.

*time skip*

Emmy is in her office at the studio, staring down at the pregnancy test she'd taken about 3 minutes ago, waiting for the result to come in. she's had suspicions for a couple of weeks and decided to be safe and get a test just in case.


She breaks down crying, worrying about whether or not Luke is gonna want the baby and if he's gonna leave her and find someone else, like everyone else did.

Ashton walks in and goes pale once he sees the test.

"Emmy, whats wrong?" He asks, kneeling down by her chair.

"I'm pregnant....What if Luke doesn't want the baby and leaves me like everyone else?" Emmy says.

"Emmy, no... he's not gonna leave you. Hey, Luke! Get in here!" Ashton says.

Luke comes in, and sees the test.

"I'm gonna be a dad?! Emmy, this is amazing!" Luke says, "Can I kiss you?"

Emmy nods, wiping her tears away after realizing that he's not leaving her.

*another time skip because I suck at writing kissing scenes*

9 months later, Emmy and Luke leave the hospital with a beautiful baby (boy or girl, whichever you prefer).

Hope you liked it. I apologize if I missed anything, I am kinda swamped with school work at the moment.

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