Taxi Cab - Twenty One Pilots (Josh Dun)

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You need to get out of here. If you stay here any longer, he'll just hurt you more. He as in your roommate. Your college didn't have enough dorms in the men's dorm building so they made you share a room with a boy. But he abuses you. You aren't allowed to tell anyone or else he'll literally kill you. He didn't say anything about leaving. That's what you were about to do. Leave the dorm and go live somewhere else.

You call an uber and wait outside with all your things.  You wait patiently for your uber to get here. You were planning to go live with your bff, Lainey. You had gone through months of abuse and you were covered in bruises and scars. 

Your uber arrives and the driver helps you put your stuff in the trunk. "Hey, what's wrong?" they ask, noticing your crying. You look up to be met with Josh Dun. "Sorry. M-My roommate w-was abusive, and I'm leaving him t-today, but n-now I'm scared that he'll f-find me," you say, through sobs. "Oh, Honey, I'm sorry. You're doing the right thing though," Josh says, pulling you into a hug.  "But he knows where I live..." You whimper. "Here, why don't you come with me. you don't have to worry about him," he says. "A-Are you sure? I don't want to intrude," You say.  "Hey, don't worry about intruding. It's fine with me. I'm sure Tyler will understand," he says.

He gets to his house and helps you inside. He noticed a huge bruise on your leg after the whole conversation. He noticed you limping from the dorms.

"Josh? Who's this? Is she ok?" Tyler Joseph asks once he notices all the bruises and scars that scatter your body.  "Can you go get ice?  Meet me in my room," Josh says. "On it," Tyler says, as Josh helps me to his room.

Tyler comes in with ice and hands it to Josh. "So, what happened to her?" Tyler asks. "Her roommate is abusive. I got an uber request, and it was her. What she went through was just horrible. She said he'll come after her and he knows where she lives, so I brought her with me," Josh says. "Oh my god, that's horrible," Tyler says. "The college wouldn't do anything about it," You say. "You should really sue the college. They allowed the abuse to go on. That's not right," Tyler says.

"I tried that. No one believed me even though they saw the bruises," you say.
Josh pulls you into a hug, taking you downstairs and turning the tv on. "What are you doing Josh? You just up and take her downstairs to watch something?" Tyler says. "Tyler, it might calm her down," Josh says. "Ok then. But where's she going to sleep? We don't have a spare room," Tyler says.

"I'll pull out the couch in my room. I'll sleep on the couch, she can have my bed for now," Josh says. "Alright," Tyler says, leaving to go get groceries.

I end up falling asleep eventually.

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