Chapter # 1 "The Jerk"

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Author's P.O.V

Cynthia loaded her suitcase in the car and was about to sit inside when her phone rang. She stopped and took her phone out and smiled once she read the caller ID. She quickly swiped the green button happily after seeing her favorite name on the screen.


" Hey, sweetie, how are you? "

"I'm good, Jason, you?" Cynthia asked her brother as she opened the car door and sat inside before closing the door and locking it.

"I'm good too, so when are you moving out?"

"Today, of course, I just sat in my car" Cynthia laughed at her brother's memory who seemed to have forgotten just the thing she told him yesterday

"Oh, but Cyndy, are you sure about that?"

"Yes, Jay, I'm sure about that. I told you that it's my final decision and I won't ever change that just because of our terrible past plus, it's hard to live here alone" Cynthia said while shaking her head at his hundredth time of trying to stop her. She was the most stubborn person in their family and Jason knew that very well.

"You can still come to my place" Jason said to which Cynthia rolled her eyes while chuckling, it was his millionth time of trying to make Cynthia live with him.

"I told you, I wanna be independent just like you" Cynthia tried hard to reason out with his brother who didn't wanted anything to happen to his baby sister.

"That won't stop me from sending you money and taking care of you. You are still my baby sister" Jason said and Cynthia laughed at her brother's cheeky yet innocent remark. Her brother still hasn't gotten married because he thinks the girl won't be able to love Cynthia like him.


"Stay safe, okay? I don't want you to get hurt" Jason said to which Cynthia nodded but then palmed her face after realizing how dumb she looked while doing that.

"Of course, I have to go now"

"Sure, stay safe and call me when you get there" and with that, they hug as Cynthia roared the engine to life and started driving to her new life.


She drove through the familiar streets, trying to find a cafe to sit and have some coffee to gain back the energy she lost in the whole driving. Just then, she saw a house that seemed a bit familiar as a shooting pain came through her head and she quickly stopped the car as a clip of a memory came back.

~ Flashback

The little girl woke up from the huge noise out of her room so she ran outside and into the living room. As soon as she ran outside, she froze at the sight before her, blood was everywhere.

End of flashback ~

Cynthia started breathing heavily while tears started rolling down her eyes and her breathe hitched. She tried to regain her breathing and started wiping her tears off to avoid scaring people off from her smudged mascara. She finally regained he breathe and straightened her posture. She ignited the engine of the car and started driving again, trying hard to put that memory in the back of her head just like she been doing for years.

She shook her head, calming her self down and noticed a cafe on her left. Cynthia quickly stopped the car and got off, not forgetting about her wallet and the keys. She went inside the shop and it was crowded like hell, so she decided to wait 5 minutes inside her car before going in there.

~ 5 minutes later.

The crowd seemed to fade away a little bit so she went outside and into the cafe and stood behind 2 girls continuously gossiping about something. So she started tapping her foot on the floor and rolled her eyes when she noticed that they were fan girling. They finally stopped and, making Cynthia let out a huge breathe which she didn't notice she was holding with anger. She was about to order when a tall boy ran in front of her and started ordering while Cynthia was left dumbfounded.

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