Chapter # 7 "A Bet"

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Cynthia's P.O.V

"Well then, you asked for it" He said and before I could even register what was happening, he already had his lips on my neck as I widened my eyes. I came back to senses in a second and kneed him where the sun doesn't shine as he backed off holding his crotch, groaning in pain. I took this as a chance to punch him right in the face as he fell down, I can't believe he actually did that.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!??" I screamed at him right from my deep throat, getting so damn angry at him. He stood up wiping his mouth and smirked my way, evilness dripping from his eyes.

"You'll get much more than this from my friends if you don't stop this sassy attitude of yours" He growled out and to be honest, I did got a bit scared but there's no way in hell am I going to show him that.

"Listen, I don't like you, you don't like me so why don't we just ignore each other?" I asked, more calmer than before just so I could climb out of the hole I dug myself.

"Su-" Before he could say anything, someone put their arm on my shoulder so I looked beside to find destiny smiling weirdly at me. I was about to say something when I heard a female voice talking to Jerkac.

"Why are you always found quarreling with everyone?" She asked him, smacking his head playfully. His look suddenly turned soft and he was about to say something to her when that girl turned towards me and smiled at me.

" Hi! I'm Zoe, Zoe Jones, his friend and cousin" She said and held out her hand for me to shake as I smiled while shaking her hand, at least someone related to him is nice.

"Hello! I'm Cynthia Mason, De-" 

"Destiny's friend, I know" This girl sure loves to cut people's sentences off, I wanna tell her the shit he did.

"How do you know?" I asked her, feeling a bit confused as to how she knew Destiny and then me.

"Me and destiny are together in most of the classes and she talks about you a lot so that's how" She removed my confusion and I smiled at her and nodded, understanding.

"Also, sorry for this jerk's quarrels, he just loves to fight with everyone and you just somehow became his target, sorry again for his childishness" She said it so calmly unlike this beast here whom I glared at just now for doing something so out of the league.

"It's okay, I hope me and him don't cross paths in near future" I said to her who only chuckled in return, thinking that I was joking but I wasn't.

"Oh sure, he won't but I will" She said and winked at me as I smiled and nodded at her.

"We should head back to class now or we'll probably get detention" Destiny said who was being weirdly silent today so I nodded and we all separated our ways to go to our classes.

~ After School

I was putting all my stuff inside my bag when I heard mac's voice telling me to hurry up.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming, wait" I said and went outside the classroom, finding him standing right in front of the class.

"Let's go grab some coffee" He said and I nodded with a smile, we both went outside and were about to walk towards the parking lot when I heard car tire's screeching voice. I stopped and looked towards the other side of the road and saw a guy drifting a car. I got excited and ran over there, watching someone drifting the car in a circular motion.

"That is nice but he's speeding too damn fast and if he pulls the breaks suddenly, it'll only lead to accident. Maybe he can save himself by both slowing down the speed and pushing the break slowly" I whispered to myself, resting my finger on my chin as I watched the car closely.

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