Chapter 1

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(Jack's prov)

I was walking hall threw hall, looking for (Y/N) everywhere. I was also worried about how  Jane told me to go off and leave her with Jeff, I knew how he fought so it would have been easier for me to fight. 

But I can't focus on that now, I had to find (Y/N) no matter what I had to. I kept walking around, seeing all the fire and dead body's. from what it seemed all the bodies were from us, we killed the people, but it was worth it, but at the same time... the body's were laid out neatly on each side of the hall. I was getting somewhere, as I was walking it seemed the bodies were from the people who were dead way longer all the way to the newest dead people. I stopped and looked down at one of the bodies.

He looked like (Y/N) so much when I finally realized, he was at her house the night she died and I took her. It's her brother! But I also noticed how he was killed, It wasn't very long ago but I knew how and... who killed him. His through was supposedly slashed first then he was stabbed after, even if he was already dead.  

(Y/N) definitely killed him... but why? I looked in front of me and froze like I was in terror of what I saw. It was him. Zalgo. He was tall, like Slender but he didn't seem like a demon, except for the horns on his head. " Young man. What are you doing here?" He said very sternly in a low deep voice. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't say anything. 

"I..i'm looking for someone." "Dead I presume?" "Ye... wait what?" I shook my head. "Uh no, NO.. she's not dead."  He looked at me confused and stood up taller. " Then why come?" " "Well she is dead, but at the same time she's not." He looked at me and glared a lot. I held my scalpel tightly, as he took a few steps towards me, but thankfully a voice called from behind him. "Daddy! I need you!" He stopped and turned around, I knew that voice too but it seemed younger. " I'm coming sweetheart just stay there for now." I was annoyed now. He glanced over to me then back and started walking away down the hall.

Making sure he was gone after a while I started walking the same way, I could still hear the voice in my head. " Daddy...Daddy... Jackie ...Jackie...RRRRR!!!" I'm coming (Y/N), and ill get you back to normal.

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