Chapter 22

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(Y/N's prov)

I felt someone touching my face, so I softly groaned a little and opened my eyes. I could see Jack's outline standing over the sofa looking down at me. "Hay sleepyhead can we talk?" I pushed my nine-year-old self up and nodded. " Yeah sure, what about?" He walked around the couch and kneeled going on both his knees and looked up at me.

I was curious of what he was doing on his knees instead of the couch sitting next to me, but what really got me was that Jeff got up from being with Jane and took Jack's shoulder making Jack stand up and walk just behind the couch.

(Jeff's prov)

I pulled Jack behind the couch glaring at him, I stopped looking at him turning back to see Y/N's cute face staring at us. I looked forward and sighed, I wanted to slit his throat right there but it would break Y/N. 

"Look you know what my answer before but, just because of her I guess it wouldn't kill me to ..." I stopped again, gritting my teeth then continued to whisper.

 "You...may have my permission to marry my sister, you proved that you would fight and most likely kill for her. "

 I saw Jack was surprised and very happy, as he took a step back to the couch I stopped him again, but this time I just let him go. Jane came up to me, we watched Jack walk back to Y/N smiling. I knew she was in good hands but I also had plans of my own for the future to look forward to.

(Jack's prov)

Once Jeff let me go for the last time there was a smile on my face now, I was confident to ask her now that I know that Jeff is fine with it. This time I knelt down on one knee in front of Y/N, she was blushing a little but had no idea of what I was about to do. "Y/N you know I love you till the day I die right? And I will always protect you no matter the cost of the price you will not be harmed." "Of course I know all that Jack, but why tell me this?" 

I reached into my pocket grabbing the box and slowly pulling it out. "I have been thinking so very hard of where and when to say this and ask you but I want to do it now, Y/N (last name)..." I pulled out the box and opened it as I watched her face light up with tears falling covering her mouth. " Will you marry me?" I asked, Y/N stood and in front of me she grew to her regular age still crying. 

(Y/N's prov)

I finished growing and when I was done I didn't know what to do, but before I knew it... I was nodding like crazy. "yes... Yes, I will I love you!!!" I finally said, he stood up and with passion we both kissed each other but not long. I turned to Jeff and I smiled so big, he smiled too and walked up to us. " Now just know I will visit if you don't visit me, and Jack if anything happens to her..." He grinned pulling out his knife. " I will kill you." I giggled at him, Jack just rolled his eyes. 

That night as I went to bed I felt warm, and not because Jack was next to me but because I knew my father's spirit was with me and he's gonna be by my side forever, along with my love Jack.

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