Chapter 20

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(Jack's prov)

I knew she smiled at me but at the same time, she was worried. I let her be as she took her mask off and started eating, I walked over near to the couch. " I'll be right back if she gets younger just entertain her please." Toby pulled his mouth guard down smiled and did a thumbs up.

I started walking to the door until I got stopped by Jane holding my arm. " Jane what's..." " Be careful. His emotions right now are off so just... choose what you say." Jane let go of my arm and sat normally again, I nodded to her and I went out the door. It wasn't actually the middle of the day it was night already, only the light from in the cabin shining out was the only light source other than the moon.

I looked a few feet away from me and saw Jeff hood on looking down, back facing me with the light of the moon shimmer on him. " Jeff I..." " Shut up!" He exclaimed to me. I could see that he had his knife out in his right hand, ready for an attack. " She loves you...a lot, and what you said earlier..." He stopped and turned to me, his eyes were filled with hate, rage, anger and... sadness, but he disappeared in an instant. "I'll have to test you..." His voice echoed through the forest all around me. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my scalpel but as soon as I took it out, I was attacked I dogged it quickly.

"Why? Test me for what?" Jeff was behind me looking down, still hiding his eyesunder the shadows of his hair. "To see if you're good... FOR MY SISTER!" Jeff came at me again, this time our blades met and clashed making sparks fly. Why is he doing this? Is it because I wanna marry Y/N?! I thought, not paying any attention to Jeff who took another strike at me, I just dogged it again but he still cut my sweater scraping my skin through it.

I jumped back to the other side and held my arm, but I had just realized that I didn't have my mask on, I was venerable without it. Jeff gritted his teeth, I've bested him before in the past but he is better now than he was. I let go of my arm and gripped my scalpel tightly, and charged straight towards him. I finally started to get some hits, but he was also getting hits on me and more of them.

" COME ON JACK DO YOU WANT MY PERMISSION!!" I stopped I never wanted to fight him, but I needed his permission to marry her m so I had no choice. I heard him start to come at me, I placed my feet in a pose to steady and keep myself sturdy. Then when I was only about a few feet away. I looked up about to attack when...

"NOOO!" F/C flames flew in between me and Jeff stopping us from attacking each other, I looked to where the flames came from... it was Y/N. In the state of four years old in anger.

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