Chapter 8

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(Y/N's prov)

 " Yup but you'll have to act a lot in this one, it'll be very tricky so i'll help you in this one got it?" I smiled back at him with my teeth showing off my fangs. "I'll do my best I promise!" After I said that E.J grabbed me and we went straight to where  he said the person was living. 

When we reached the persons house, it for some reason seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't know where from. "Is everything alright wild cat?" I snapped out of it and shook my head. " Yes i'm alright E.J." I said reassuring him, that everything was ok even if I was lying a little to him now. I took a few steps towards the house and I as I was still walking I was actually growing, when I reached the window to look in. 

(Jack's prov)

I watched as Y/N walked up to the house, to look in the window and my jaw dropped.... she was back to her regular age!  Seventeen years old. Now i'm glad I put the elastic clothes on her because now the clothes turned into very short black shorts and a black crop top that ends a little lower then the bottom of her breasts. I walked up to her and waited till she dissipated, I knew that she was now inside the house now hiding and waiting for her pray.

I'm proud of how I trained her, she has been doing well but I have to admit I need to get more info out of Toby that he must have about Y/N's  past and her powers, since Slender know's a lot about her.  

But I'm gonna get that information about it all later once I get Y/N settled down, back at home where no one will find her. I just wonder what she's up to in there, I hope she's ok alone in there.

(Y/N's prov)

I was hiding in every shadow I could find, so I cold find the person Jack was talking about. I slowly and carefully walked out of the shadow I was hiding in, I walked around the house looking at all my surroundings. It all seemed so familiar to me, the pictures down the walls had a familiar boy and also... ME! I backed away a lot that I hit something , I tried to catch it but the vase just fell to the floor and smashed. 

"HELLO? MOM ARE YOU  UP?" I heard foot steps, it was the person Jack wanted me to kill. "Ggrrr" I started to feel weak I needed to kill NOW. I heard the foot steps get closer and closer. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Even in my ready stance the voice was a boy about my age, it was the voice of.... The person came into the moon light...


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