Part 8

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After Chuck slams her door shut on Negan, she plops herself back down on her couch and scrubs her hands down her face. Seeing Negan with that naked woman has brought out pretty much every negative emotion Chuck could possibly feel. Jealousy, inadequacy, betrayal, loneliness... Not to mention that she feels stupid for even feeling all those things.

Negan was just her neighbor and her friend. Right? They weren't linked romantically, so he can date other people. Or sleep around, since that seems more likely with Negan. But she hadn't seen him with any women in a long time, so she thought maybe... Maybe he had changed his ways. And if he did, maybe he could be the one for her.

As a tear flows down her cheek, Chuck lets out a humorless chuckle. "What's wrong with me?" she says to herself then wipes her eyes. "I'm so stupid. Negan wants the sexy woman that shows up to his apartment naked. Not someone like me. Of course not." She hangs her head. "Not me," she whispers.

Over at Negan's apartment, he's at a loss. He goes through his phone to see just when the last time he texted Tonya was and sees that it was, indeed, months ago. It's a little reassuring that he's not going completely crazy. But the fact of the matter is, he's still in a pickle with Chuck.

He hasn't exactly been celibate since Chuck presented and they started whatever it is that they are, but he hasn't brought a woman to his apartment, either, opting to go elsewhere to hook up. He really didn't want Chuck to see him as the manwhore that she used to think he was when he was having purposefully loud sex all the time just to get to her. Not that he wasn't still sleeping around, but he didn't want her to see it. Or hear it.

He knows he's going to have some explaining to do to get him out of this. Especially because Chuck seemingly doesn't believe that he didn't ask Tonya to come over. Naked, no less. He makes plans to talk to her the next day, allowing her the time to cool off a little. Hopefully.

When Chuck gets up the next morning, she tries to put the events of the previous night out of her mind. As she goes through her normal daily rituals, she tries to convince herself that she's actually not bothered by what she saw. So what if Negan invited a woman over. That's his right. He's not attached to anyone. Especially not her. They're just friends and she shouldn't really have any feelings about him sleeping with someone else. That's what she tells herself, anyway.

But his weird invitation for Chuck to see his kinky sex games does still warrant some anger. Because that still seems pretty offensive to her. So that's what she focuses on. She's not jealous, she's offended. She's not betrayed, she's offended. She's not hurt, she's offended.

Since it's Sunday, Negan has the day off. In the early afternoon, he walks across the hall and knocks on Chuck's door. She hears it from where she's sitting at her computer desk in the living room, but she makes no move to answer it. She knows it's Negan standing outside of her apartment and she doesn't even want to deal with him right now.

Negan lets out a huff when she doesn't answer. He knows she's ignoring him. But pushing her into talking when she doesn't want to would probably be the wrong thing to do. He's just going to have to give her more time.

When Diane calls a little bit later just to check in, Chuck tells her about what happened.

"What a sleazeball!" Diane exclaims into the phone.

Chuck sighs. "Yeah."

"I'm gonna drive up there and beat his ass for thinking you'd want anything to do with that!"

"You don't need to do that." She sighs again. "I just don't understand why he wanted me to see all that."

"Just when I thought he was coming around..." Diane mutters then lets out a heavy breath. "He's a jackass and he just can't help himself." This new information doesn't change the fact that Diane thinks Negan and Chuck are true mates. It just makes her worry once again that he'll hurt Chuck in the end.

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