Part 16

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"Lose the tie."

Chuck's voice makes Negan turn from his own reflection in the mirror to the doorway where she stands. "You think?" he asks. "I'm trying to make a good impression here," he replies with a boyish smirk.

She walks over to him and lightly tugs the tie loose from his collar. "The button up and jacket is enough. A tie will just look too formal." She pulls the cloth free and drapes it around her own neck. "And you know those teenagers will want to drop you down a peg if they think you're too serious."

"Fuck. You're right." He smoothes his hands down his chest as he turns back to check himself out in the mirror.

"Are you nervous?"

He gives her a look. "No."

She giggles. "Yes you are! You're nervous about your first day teaching again."

"It's not exactly teaching . I'm fuckin' substituting. It's more like goddamn babysitting ."

"But you're still nervous," she teases.

"My kids loved the shit outta me back in the day. Guarantee those little fuckers at Alexandria High are gonna love me, too."

"I know they will." She leans up to kiss him. "You better get going."

He looks at his watch. "Shit. Yeah."

"At least it's only the last few periods today. Start you off easy to begin with."

"Yeah. I'll see you later, baby."

With a kiss goodbye, Negan heads out of the house and to the school. The teacher he's subbing for is one of the English teachers, so he's directed to her room. As he walks into the classroom before the last bell rings, he sees her sitting at her desk waiting for him. She's a beta, about middle aged with shoulder length graying dark hair and a few extra ponds around the middle.

"Mr. Negan," she greets.

He shakes her hand. "Just Negan is fine."

"Thanks for coming in."

"It's no problem."

She gathers her bags from the desk. "I really don't miss much work," she starts, almost apologetically, "but I'm picking up my cat from the vet. He just got fixed and they aren't open later."

He immediately shelves the joke on his tongue about hoping her pussy feels better. "Don't wanna leave him there overnight. He'll claw your furniture to get back at you when you get him home," he settles on instead.

"Probably." She laughs. "I left instructions on the desk for you. Just have the kids read whatever story I wrote down and tell them we'll discuss it tomorrow."

"Alright then."

As she leaves the room, the kids, all juniors, start to file in. Negan writes his name on the board and waits for everyone to show up. Once the last bell rings, he takes his place at the front of the room, leaning on the podium to address the students.

"Alright. First thing's first, I'm Negan." He points to the board. "Just Negan. Not Mr. Negan or Professor Negan or whatever. Secondly, if I start swearing, are any of y'all gonna go crying to your parents?"

The students all look around at each other but don't say anything to indicate they would.

"Good." Negan walks over to the desk to read over the instructions left for him. "Your teacher wants you guys to read The Yellow Wallpaper so you can talk about it next class. Page 134 in your literature books. I'm gonna read that shit too and I'm a fast fuckin' reader so if you guys start fucking around before I'm done, I'm gonna know that you're not reading your shit."

The Glasswing Butterfly (Alpha!Negan/Omega!OFC)Where stories live. Discover now