Part 18

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"Have you thought about what we wanna do for the wedding?" Chuck asks Negan the next morning as they sit at the dining room table eating their breakfast. Chuck has her bowl of Cocoa Puffs and Negan has just finished his eggs and bacon. "My mom is getting impatient," she explains.

Negan chuckles as he looks up from the newspaper in his hands. "I haven't really. I thought I'd leave that shit for you to do."

She lets out a little huff. "Gee, thanks."

"Well, I didn't wanna be in the fuckin' way. It's usually the woman that wants everything just perfect."

"Not this woman. I'm fine with something simple, like just having it in the back yard. But when I told my mom that, she tried to convince me to do the whole church thing."

He takes a sip of his coffee as he thinks that over. "I like the idea of doing shit here. I did the fuckin' church thing with Lucille and I fuckin' hated it. All pomp and circumstance. Her parents even insisted on the traditional mating ceremony, which is long and fuckin' boring. I didn't enjoy one minute of that shit."

"I don't want all that. I just want a simple thing with us and our family."

"Fine by me. Besides," he gives her a smirk, "the less money we spend on the wedding, the more money we can spend on the honeymoon."

At that, she takes in a sharp excited breath. "Ooo. Honeymoon," she draws out. "Let's get mom to plan our wedding so we can plan the fun stuff."

"You know it won't be simple if we give her full reign."

"You're right. We'll have to supervise, set out some parameters. But I definitely want to get our honeymoon sorted really quickly."

"What are you thinkin'?"

She only mulls it over for a moment before she blurts out, "Hawaii!"

"Hawaii?" he repeats, not quite as enthusiastic as she was.

"Yeah, Hawaii. I've never been to any place tropical." She continues to look at him, searching his face for his true thoughts. "You don't like the idea?"

He shrugs nonchalantly. "Lounging on the beach sounds fuckin' nice. Especially if you're there in a skimpy ass bikini."

She laughs. "I've never worn a skimpy bikini in my life."

"There's always time to start," he quips with a quirk of his eyebrow.

"Then you have to wear one of those Italian model speedos."

He laughs out loud with his head thrown back. "I don't think so."

She shrugs a shoulder. "It's only fair."

He lets out a final chuckle before getting the subject back on track. "So when are we planning on doing this?"

"When do you want?"

He thinks a moment. "Sometime before the school year starts probably. Since I won't be fuckin' working yet. And summer will be nice weather."

"I think I should be able to take some time off, too."

"Sounds fuckin' good to me."

After a little bit more discussion, they decide on June 15 for the wedding. The honeymoon would come right after, of course. Chuck calls her mother as soon as they have the date set in stone and tells her about what she and Negan discussed. Even though Diane would rather have a more traditional wedding for her daughter in their neighborhood church, she's still excited to go through with what Chuck and Negan want. She's also glad that they are including her on the planning, even if they've specifically told her to keep things simple (and put her on a strict budget).

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