Part 13

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Negan and Chuck are sitting side by side on the front steps to the porch, waiting for the ambulance and Rick to come. Negan has his arm around Chuck, rubbing up and down on her right arm in reassurance as she clutches her broken left one to her chest.

"Does it hurt a lot?" he asks.

"Yeah," she chokes out. "The bite does, too."

Negan growls low in his chest at the thought of Eldritch trying to claim Chuck.

"It's okay," she whispers. "We made it out of it."

They sit in silence for a few more moments before a bark pierces the air.

"Oh my god! Mozart!" Chuck calls out and jumps up to follow the noise.

Negan follows, too, and they find the dog in the fenced in part of the back yard, safe and sound.

Chuck's tears are renewed upon seeing the dog. "Oh my god!" She bends down to try to pet Mozart. "How did I forget about you?!"

In actuality, Mozart is a very friendly dog and when Eldritch came to the back door, Mozart simply greeted him with a wag of his tale and cheerfully walked outside when Eldritch prompted him. Eldritch then closed the door after him, locking the dog outside and out of the way.

Negan scratches Mozart behind the ears, but is quick to nudge Chuck back up. "He's fine back here. I don't want you to hurt your arm worse."

Chuck nods then kisses the dog on the head. "It's okay, Mozart. We'll come back for you."

Negan leads Chuck back around the house just in time to see Rick's cruiser coming down the driveway. Somehow, he had beaten the ambulance there.

As Rick exits the driver's side, a dark skinned woman with thick dreads dressed in a smart pant suit exits the passenger side. They both take in the sight of Chuck and Negan and are taken aback. Both of them are have a significant amount of blood on them. Negan is covered in blood from his mouth all the way down his chest, his formerly white button up completely ruined. Chuck's fluffy white robe has blood staining the shoulder and some of her left sleeve. The newcomers school their expressions to spare Chuck and Negan the knowledge of just how bad they look.

Rick walks up to the couple. "EMS should be here any minute." He turns to the woman off to his right. "This is Michonne. She's my girlfriend, but she's a lawyer, too."

Michonne starts to talk quickly. "We don't have a lot of time before the other cops get here, so tell me everything that happened."

As Chuck and Negan go over the details with Michonne, Rick goes into the house to check to on Eldritch. The man in question is laying in a large pool of blood, his throat obviously ripped out. A very quick check of the pulse shows that the man is good and dead. When he comes back out, Negan is just starting to go over what happened when he got there.

"...and he was fuckin' biting her and I saw red. I thought he claimed her. I just fuckin' pulled him of her and started punching. Then he started to fuckin' strangle me, saying he was gonna fuckin' kill me. Then, Chuck got him off me. He fuckin' pushed her back and I bit him."

Michonne nods as she takes notes in her pad. "We have a lot going for us for this to be justifiable homicide. With everything you said... just tell the detectives all that. And Rick had written reports of what you told him before, so there is a record of that. It strengthens your case."

Chuck and Negan nod.

Michonne lets out a heavy breath. "It will help your case if you refer to each other as your mate to the detectives. Really play up that 'true mates' thing. I know there isn't an actual claim, but you're still dating and if we can convince the detectives that you see each other as mates, it will be better for you."

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