BAB 16

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“Exam is over!” Jerit Catliyn gembira kerana Peperiksaan mereka telah tamat.

Kini dia dan Aleesya sudah mula bercuti dan hanya perlu menunggu masa untuk graduasi pada tahun hadapan. Catliyn menuju ke sebuah pokok rendang untuk duduk bersantai di taman berdekatan kampus mereka.

“I  know right? We will be graduated soon Catliyn. How lovely.” Aleesya yang turut sama berkongsi kegembiraannya.

“So what is your plan for holiday? We have a long holiday before the graduation day.” Kata Catlyin.

“Well I still didn’t thinkof anything, since we were busy study for the final exam.” Terang Aleesya.

“What about going back to Malaysia? I heard Eid festival is just around the corner right?” Tegur Catliyn rakan baik Aleesya yang berasal dari Russia.

“Yeah I were thinking the same thing. But you know Malaysian people, malaysia memories hurts me.” Kata Aleesya meluahkan perasaan

“Yeah I know it must be about your ex-fiancé distrustworthy right? But Aleesya it has been 3 years  and he already passed away. Aren’t you still don't forgive him? It is not nice to hate someone that already die. We should pray for them not hate them.” Jawab Catliyn yang mengetahui hal itu apabila berbual dengan keluarga Aleesya melalui video call.

Sedang mereka seronok berbual mereka ternampak sebuah pasangan sedang mesra bersama. Pensyarah mereka berdua. Kedua-duanya orang Malaysia berbangsa melayu malah beragama Islam tetapi menetap di Russia kerana ingin membantu para pelajar di sana. Prof. Dr. Yuhanif dan Prof. Dr. Yuhanis. Sering digelar Prof YY oleh pelajar sini.

“Hey Catliyn. Look at both them. Our two favourite lecturer. They were so sweet right?” Kata Aleesya yang seronok melihat pensyarah kesayangan itu.

“Yeah. They both look sweet together. You know what? They actually has been in love since primary school right? I heard from the other Malaysian seniors. They said Prof Yuhanif and Prof Yuhanis were friends back there and start been serious in high school. Well they been in a love relationship for years. Oh myyyy" Kata Catliyn

"After they get their Masters they get married and work at the same University. Then they decided to get a further study while they studying as a lecturer here. Now both of them got the PHD title. And being one of the best lecturer here.” Terang Catliyn.

Sungguh dia mengagumi pasangan ini walaupun masih belum mendapat anak, mereka tetap bahagia.

“Jodoh Cinta Monyet” Kata Aleesya ringkas.

“What doh?” Terpinga-pinga Catliyn dibuatnya.

“I’m sorry I forgot that you still learning Malay Language. Jo-doh. Cin-ta. Mo-nyet. It means a love relationship that were build since in the school until now and end up with a marriage.” Terang Aleesya sambil tertawa melihat Catlyin yang tidak memahami frasa itu.

Justeru dia juga sedang belajar bahasa Russia dengan Catlyin memandangkan Catlyin merupakan warganegara Russia.

“Wow that’s a really great pharse.” Kata Catliyn yang terpegun dengan maksud Jodoh Cinta Monyet yang diterangkan Aleesya.

“Yeah but, only a few of them can bear to hold it. I mean it's quite though to hold this relationship because it really need a huge, termendous, and a big responsibility in trusting each other.” Kata Aleesya lagi.

“Yeah this teach us how important trusting each other in a relationship.” Kata Catliyn.

“Hey Catliyn. I have made my decision?” Kata Aleesya yang memecahkan suasana.

“Huh what decision?” Catliyn yang kurang memahami apa yang Aleesya hendak sampaikan.

“I think I'm going to book a flight ticket to Malaysia. I’m going back. But I'm scared if I'm hurt once again.” Kata Aleesya.

“Seriously? That great Aleesya. Well to tell you the truth, memories never fade. Yeah well you might be hurt again. But it doesn't mean you have to give up right? Don't be a fragile women. We are women we have to be strong. Hence I know you will find the right man to make you eveb stronger then now.” Kata Catliyn lalu memeluk rakannya itu.



“Aleesya, take care of yourselve okay? Happy Eid Aidilfitri. I’m gonna miss you so much. See you in a year. Send my regards to your family. If something happen update me okay. I'm just one call away.” Kata Catliyn kepada Aleesya.

“Oh I miss you too. See you next year. We going to graduate soon!” Kata Aleesya.

“I have to go now. I love you Catliyn. Thank you for the motivational words. I will find the man who will make even stronger.” kata Aleesya sebelum masuk ke Pintu penerbangan antarabangsa.

“I love you too Aleesya. Goodbye. Take care!” Kata Catliyn sambil melambai tangannya ke arah Aleesya.

Sungguh Aleesya bakal merindui satu-satunya sahabat Russianya itu. “Mama your ‘300 years’ will end now.” Getus hati kecil Aleesya. Dia tersenyum mengenang peristiwa 3 tahun lepas apabila ibunya tidak membenarkannya pergi.


“Happy Eid Aidilfitri Mr. Ikhwanshah. Take care” pesan Jenny yang menghantar majikannya itu ke lapangan terbang.

“Thank you Jen. I’m gonna miss you. Thank you for your co-operation. Mr. Chua I trust you to handle SAPHIRE SHIPPING. I’m going to moved to Malaysia. I trust you Okay?” Kata Ikhwan kepada pekerjanya.

“Don’t worry Mr. Ikhwanshah. You  can trust me. I won’t dissapoint you. That is my promise.” Jawab Mr. Chua.

“I hold that promise. If anything happen hurry up and tell me. Don’t do any decision without my premission. Unless it was really needed and don’t have time to get my premission. You know what I mean right.” Jelas Ikhwan.

“Yes Boss I understood.” Mr. Chua menjawabnya.

"Send our regards and wishes to Malaysian staff. I hope I can meet them someday." Jawab Jenney.

“Okay. I have to go now. See you soon. Bye!” Kata Ikhwan lalu masuk ke pintu penerbangan antarabangsa.

"Malaysian memories. Hurt." Getus hati kecilnya.

Well hi readers? Is there still my readers out there. Aleesya and Ikhwanshah is back to make you puzzle with your life. Okay. It's been a while since my last update right? Well to be honest I was in STPM examination so I was quite busy back then but now I have a full of 9 months holidayyyy. Well maybe not. But I do have some spare time to write. This is the continuous of my Jodoh Cinta Monyet. Thank you for waiting ❤

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