Chapter 17

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I had never wished so hard to have a fortune in my life. Even in my early years, when I spent the minutes before bed wishing for another peek at my Christmas present or the location of my most recently captured doll (recaptured for finding the first captured one). I had never wanted anything more than this moment.

I had never wanted to see Cedric in a fortune more than I ever have. If the idea of wanting a fortune didn't scare me enough, the hope to see Cedric in one pushed me just over the line between sanity.

It was one thing to see 7 year-old Cedric look up at me with his new missing tooth smile, and a whole other to see him crushed after receiving a Poor, on an essay he thought Mcgonangual would find exemplementry, not failing.

And now I was here. Wanting to see him in a fortune. In a fortune that could either be him losing his tooth or him losing his life.

What ever happened to finding my birthday gift two days early?

I don't know. But what I do know is that I wouldn't be wishing for something so terrible if there wasn't a possibility to help my friend. A chance. Any opportunity, as tiny as a grain of salt, is one I'd have to take. I'd take not sleeping, spending endless hours in the library in search of a fortune-seeker and maybe even sitting through detention with Snape because I was looking through his ingredients for anything that induces mystical happenings.

I'd take polishing Snape's entire case of potion trophies ("esteemed awards of his excellence in education") late into the night because then at least I'd be awake. And awake seemed to be the only time fortunes ever came anymore.

I don't know what scared away my fortunes more: my unknowing dorm mates or Severus Snape.

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