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I smiled as I set the milkshake down then went to the kitchen to see Amber turning on Ghost Adventures. When she saw me, she went to turn it off but I grabbed it and smiled.

"You're fine, don't worry-" I stopped as I heard Zak then I looked and turned the TV up.

"Recently, a dear friend of ours passed and we're dedicating this entire season to him. If any of you remember Evelina Nilsson, her dog Tiny has recently left us but he is forever in our hearts." Then a photo of Tiny, Zak, Gracie, and I showed up and I stared at my baby. I covered my mouth before I cried as it showed the date he was born and the day he died then it went to a small video of all the photos I had left with Zak, each of them showing Tiny but some of them were ones I'd taken after I left.

"Lina, your dog-"

"Amber." Jessie hissed but I stared at the video. In the end, it showed another photo of Tiny and I but this time, his forepaws were on my shoulders, my arms were around his neck, and my head was laying against his.

"Tiny, we love and miss you. Lina, we won't ever forget him." Zak said and I saw his eyes were slightly hazy, meaning he was trying not to cry. I turned the TV off then turned and forced a smile as I carried the next tray of food out, not talking to anyone unless necessary for the rest of the day.
I deleted the email again then groaned as I ran my hands through my hair. I sighed and began typing again, just letting my emotions go.

Zak, thank you for what you did in that episode. This doesn't mean we're friends again but I am willing to try to forgive you if you want. What you did for Tiny, the dedication, video, photos, all of it, I can't ever repay you. I know it was your idea, you're the only one who had those photos. My point is, I owe you now and I intend to repay you. You probably deleted my number so I've left it at the bottom of this email, and you also know where I live and now have my email address.

I took a deep breath then hit send and shut my laptop.

Zak's POV
I rewatched the video of Tiny Billy helped me make then my laptop pinged and I looked at it.

"Zak, you got an email." Jay said, since he was at the desk now, then Billy handed me my laptop. I sighed and opened the email, expecting some fan mail, then stared as I saw the name of the email address. I quickly opened it then read the email but as I saw her phone number, I grabbed my phone and saved it.

"I'm getting coffee." I said and shut my laptop, threw my hoodie and shoes on, then left the hotel room. I grabbed my phone then took a deep breath as I called her.

"Hello?" Her voice rang and I was glad I was in the elevator or I would have stopped walking.

"Hello? I can hear you breathing, creepy ass."

"Li-Lina, it's Zak." I breathed then she went silent.

"Zak, I didn't think you would immediately call me." She said and I breathily laughed as I left the hotel.

"Y-yeah." My voice cracked then I cleared my throat.

"Yeah, uh, I guess. Um, you don't need to repay me for the Tiny thing, I wanted to."

"I need to repay you, he was my baby and that made me really happy." I laughed then got to Starbucks and stood in line.

"Lina, it's not a big deal." I argued then felt a pang in my chest as I realized something. This was the first time we had talked in years.

"Lina, about before-"

"Zak, don't bring up unneeded memor-"

"We need to talk about it. Hold on, I'm getting coffee." I said and told the man at the register what I wanted then paid and went to wait.

"Sorry, I had to get away from the guys."

"You're fine." She said then I decided to change the subject.

"You changed your hair." I said and she laughed. I could practically see her twirling her hair now.

"Yeah, I did. The red and black was... Well, had bad memories attached."

"So dark purple?"

"Pink." She corrected and I laughed

"My bad, dark pink."

"Yes. It happened to be my third favorite color." She said and I felt her grin through the phone.

"Zak?!" I stood and got my coffee then started walking to the hotel again.

"Lina, we're leaving town in a couple of days. Do you want to come with us?" I asked and her breath hitched then she sighed.

"I-I don't know, Zak." She whispered and I sighed.

"Think about it, please. I'll text you the details of the flight but I'd like to see you there." I said and eyed the hotel then went to the elevator.

"I will, I promise. Goodnight, Zak." She said and I smiled as the elevator doors opened.

"Goodnight, Evelina." I whispered and she hung up when I got to my room and knocked since I forgot the key earlier and the guys were still in there.

Zak's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now