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I laughed as I saw the clothes Ashley gave me then I saw Billy, Aaron, and Zak share a look.

"Babe, I've got a special gift for the baby as well." Zak smiled then I eyed him, not expecting anything from him.

"Zak, what could you have possibly gotten-" I stopped as he came out with a white puppy, a red bow on its collar.

"Zak, what could you have possibly gotten-" I stopped as he came out with a white puppy, a red bow on its collar

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"Zak!" I laughed, taking the puppy, then pet her head.

"What's her name?"

"Mina." I stared at Zak in shock then looked at the puppy.

"Think of her as your second kid." Aaron smirked then Billy snorted.

"You mean first? The second one isn't out just yet." Everyone laughed then I pet Mina and pulled the bow off her collar.

"She's so adorable!" I laughed as she licked my face then I set her down, letting her run around the yard.

"Gracie chose her." Zak smiled then I laughed as the baby shower continued. When it was over, I got a shower and got changed into one of my maternity shirts and some of Zak's sleep pants.

"Hey." Zak whispered as I climbed into bed next to him then he hugged me, Gracie jumping on the bed. Mina tried but she was too little, making me laugh. I sat up to get her but Gracie jumped down and bit her on the scruff, lifting her up onto the bed.

"Good girl, Gracie!" I laughed and pet her head as I laid back down. Zak smiled and hugged me as Mina sniffed the new bed, not sure what to do really. I smiled as Zak ran his hand over my belly then he kissed me, making me grin.

"Two new babies, one already here." I laughed and nodded since he included our dogs.

"The perfect family." He nodded then turned his lamp off, letting us both sleep.
I watched as they buried my family in their new plot then Zak hugged me, watching their coffins being buried.

"They're being put in with your family, Zak."

"Yeah, cause they're my family too." He said and I smiled at him, happy with his words. When my family was covered, we went home but he got an email about a new episode.

"Where is this one?" I asked as Mina and Gracie sat on either side of me, Zak looking happy.

"It's right here in Las Vegas. I'm not going anywhere." I laughed then he kissed me, holding me close as we both got a well-deserved nap on the couch. Well, all five of us got a nap on the couch, if you included our son.
I smiled as I watched the latest episode of Ghost Adventures, the Black Dahlia House. Ashley was sitting next to me since the guys were on the road, but I was eight, almost nine months into my pregnancy. Zak didn't want me going, I didn't want to go, not with being so close to giving birth.

"They'll be home soon." I nodded then she got up, taking our mugs to the sink. I sat up as the front door opened then Gracie and Mina ran to it, meaning it wasn't anyone here to hurt us.

"Lina, Ashley?!"

"In here, Zak! Lina is in the living room!" Zak came in then I grinned as I stood, hugging his neck and kissing him. He hugged my upper body then pulled back, eyeing my belly.

"Almost, baby. He's almost here." He whispered and smiled.

"Aleck Enrich Bagans." He whispered and I nodded as Ashley and Jay came in.

"Hey, you two." Jay smiled and I waved then gasped, gripping Zak's arm as I felt my water break.


"Hospital, now!" I said and Zak rushed me outside as Ashley and Jay grabbed my hospital bag, Zak getting me into the car as the first few contractions started. Thankfully, the hospital was close and I wasn't in a lot of pain. Well, not until the last bit of labor.

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