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"Lina!" I turned and went to help Billy but gasped as the suitcase nearly hit my stomach. Luckily, Zak caught it and Billy stared.

"Are you okay?!" I nodded and Zak had a look of relief on his face. We hadn't told the guys about the baby because honestly, we didn't know what to do ourselves.

"I'm okay, Zak caught it." He nodded and Zak took the suitcase from me.

"Go inside, check-in. We've got this." He gave me a look and I nodded then went inside to check-in. As I waited, I slid a hand onto my stomach but there was still a small bump only just being hidden by my shirt.

"Here you are, ma'am." I smiled and took the keys then met up with the guys so we could go to the rooms.

"I'm sorry, Lina-"

"Billy, I'm okay." I laughed and he nodded then we got to the floor we were on. Zak and I went to the room we were sharing then I sat on the bed as Zak set up our bags.

"Zak, we need to talk about the baby."

"What do you mean?" He turned to me then I sighed.

"I can't hide the baby forever! A five-month baby belly is a bit hard to hide! I mean, its been three months and I'm already showing some!" I said and he sighed.

"I understand but I don't even want this! I mean, I never imagined I'd have a kid!"

"Are you saying you want nothing to do with me or this child?!" I hissed and he came over, grabbing my hands as he fell to his knees.

"No, I'm sorry. I just- I'm confused and scared, Evelina. I love you, I regret ever hurting you, and I hate myself for doing it. I want this child, I want you in my life, but I don't know how the world will take this child, after all that's happened to us." He whispered and I smiled as I grabbed his jaw, holding his face so he looked at me.

"Then let's start by telling our friends, our family. If they accept us and this child, that's all that matters." He nodded and kissed me then I hugged him as he held my hips, thumbs running over my belly.
I sighed as I pulled my shirt down then Zak came up, hugging my waist.

•~•I sighed as I pulled my shirt down then Zak came up, hugging my waist

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"You can back out still-"

"No, we need to do this." He nodded as he ran his fingers over my stomach then I held his wrists.

"We need to tell our friends, our family, what is going on." He nodded then grabbed my hand as we went to the restaurant. As we saw Billy, Jay, Aaron, and Ashley, I grabbed my pearl heart necklace. I silently asked Luna for courage and Zak held my hand tighter, knowing I still talked to her. I smiled and we went over then Ashley smiled at me.

"Hey, Lina!"

"Hey." I smiled and we sat then Jay eyed us.

"So why did you want to meet with us?" I looked at Zak then cleared my throat.

"I'm sure you noticed we've forgiven each other, we're close again." I began and they looked confused as Aaron nodded.

"Yeah, especially after the accident." I nodded then cleared my throat as I held Zak's hand under the table.

"After the accident, when I was caring for him, things between us..." I trailed off, at a loss for words, then Zak cleared his throat.

"Look, we've been talking about how to tell you this for a while-"

"Tell me you two didn't elope." Aaron tried to joke but we smiled and shook our heads.

"No, we didn't elope." I smiled and took a deep breath.

"The truth is... The truth is I'm pregnant." I said and their eyes widened.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Billy asked and looked at Zak.

"By who?" Ashley asked and I glanced at Zak, who gripped my hand even tighter.

"Are you saying that Zak and you... Then you got pregnant?" Jay asked and I slowly nodded. They were silent then Zak cleared his throat.

"We decided to tell you because of what happened yesterday when the suitcase almost hit her stomach." He said and Billy's eyes widened.

"Lina, I didn't know. Are you-"

"As I said then, I'm fine. Luckily, Zak caught the case so the baby is fine." They visibly relaxed and Zak laughed.

"Trust me, she's tougher than she looks." They nodded and we got food to celebrate our family knowing and our child that is coming into this world in six months.

Zak's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now