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I looked up as Billy ran in with Ashley but as he saw us, he relaxed. They both seemed so much more relaxed now.

"Where's Jay?" I looked at him then his wife ran to him, holding his hand.

"He hit his head pretty hard, he's okay." Aaron said and Ashley nodded.

"And Zak?" I looked at Billy then sighed.

"He got shot in the arm, they had to stitch it." He seemed confused then I waved him off. Soon, Zak was back and had a bandage around his arm.

"How are you?" He laughed then looked at his arm.

"I'll live." I nodded then Billy saw my leg and came over.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just some glass. I'll be fine, really. Zak's the one who got shot." Then he nodded and hugged me. The nurse came in then smiled as she grabbed the remote.

"All of you are on TV." She said and turned the news on.

"-ventures Crew was in a car collision this afternoon. Shortly after their car had crashed, two members of the team, Zak Bagans and Evelina Nilsson, were seen coming out of the overturned car. What was most shocking was another man coming and attempting to shoot Zak Bagans but Miss Nilsson seems to have launched herself in the way. She managed to save Zak."

"She's really remarkable. I mean, you can see that glass coming out of her leg and yet she still fought to save her ex-"

"Who is her coworker and friend, it seems." The people continued to talk but the nurse muted it and smiled.

"You're a hero, miss Nilsson. All of your fans are outside, they seem to agree." Then I looked at the guys and Ashley, slowly standing and limping to the window.

"Lina, careful." Billy grabbed me then I smiled. I pushed the curtains open then froze.

"Guys, come here." Aaron and Zak came over then stared but stopped. The entire hospital parking lot was covered in fans holding up signs with our names, all of them cheering for us. I watched Zak push the window open then someone saw us but that was it, they started cheering louder.

"We're okay." I smiled and the guys nodded.

"Yeah, we'll be alright." Zak smiled and I laughed as Aaron hugged his friend, Billy hugged me, and Jay finally woke up, much to Ashley's joy.

"Sorry!" I laughed and carefully cleaned the healing wound. After we were released, I volunteered to help Zak since his ribs were still healing and his arm wasn't fully healed.

"Damn, that hurt!"

"Not my fault you're a baby." He rolled his eyes when I finished and helped him stand.

"Alright, boxers off." He grumbled but did as said and I helped him into the bath.

"Is this necessary?"

"Yes." I snapped and he stopped then I helped him get bathed. When he was done, I helped him out and he got dressed then I bandaged his arm.

"There, I'll go get your pain meds." He nodded and I went to get them, slightly limping still. My leg is healed, for the most part, there's just a small cut and it's really sore. I got his pain meds then got him water as Gracie followed me. She was more than happy to have me back. I went to his room then he took them and caught my wrist before I could leave.

"I'm sorry for what I said when you left before. I'm sorry for what I did." I smiled then leaned down and kissed his head, his grip loosening on my wrist.

"I forgave you a long time ago, Zak." He smiled when I shut his curtains and left him to sleep as I went to my own room.

Zak's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now