The doctor (part 3)

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Requested by:me


A/N last part, I shortened the episode I wasn't bothered to write anymore

The doctor looked around the empty industrial unit, her eyes find a alien like pod with crystals sticking out of it

"What's that" J'onn asked

"From what i can see, a transport port, I could say more with a Sonic"

Lena raised a dark brow which caused the Alien to blush "What's a sonic"

"Well a sonic screwdriver, more like a Swiss Army knife. Actually you know what I'm going to build one. You guys continue to try and find our tentacle-y thing"

The Time Lord ran off into a closed off section and got to work

Lena found a seat and watched as the Blonde worked away. She chewed on her bottom lip

"Yo, Lena. I was wondering maybe when this was over we could grab dinner or something"

"Sorry James. You seem like a nice guy but someone else has caught my attention"

James sulked away disappointed, and Grace walked up to the PC

"I told James not to ask you, I knew your into our alien friend"

Lena scoffed but soon gave up on trying to provide an excuse "Well I mean look at her. I know nothing about her but something just pulls me in. She is one of the only people to confront me like that"

"Go one Lee, get that Alien"

The Time Lord walked out with a metal like wand, it sparked "It should be fine"

Lena stifled a laugh "Right lets go, still no name"

"Sadly not but you will be the first to know, dear"

On The roof of the Industrial unit

The ball of coils appeared in front of the group

The blonde using her sonic screwdriver scanned it causing it to fall into a pile of wires, she walked over to it and a hologram appeared, Mike Daxam was projected up.

"Oh, no. This is bad"

Suddenly the metal man appeared "Leave it alone" He said in a cold voice

"Not before you explain everything" The Blonde Alien ordered

"I'm Tzin-Sha from the stenza-"

"Tim Shaw" the blonde cut him off

"Tzin-Sha, I have come to hunt"

"Sorry Tim Shaw that isn't happening. I figured out what you want. You ain't going to have him"

"Aw, That must have been an effort for your petty brain to understand"

"Did you just insult my intelligence"

"You will suffer for this intervention" The Alien pulled out a gun and pointed at her

The blonde scoffed "Like that will do anything, I'm the...damn it it lost it again"

The other alien pushed her out of the way and went to the coil and suddenly teleported away

"So what know" Lena asked

"Good question, we save Mike"

At a construction site

"So this is where Mike works?" James asked

"For the 10th time yes" Lena snapped

The blonde caught site of the alien going after Mike

"Not on my watch" she yelled giving chase

As soon as she caught up Tim Shaw turned around "You will pay for this" he yelled, he swung hitting her sending the Time Lord to the ground with a groan but she pulled herself up

"Not today, Tim Shaw. I have just regenerated my body it burning on the inside and I'm confused about so much, so please do not tick me off. Now get off Earth"

"No I will hunt, what name does a measly woman like you bear"

"Thanks for asking I just remembered, a hint of pain, and a dash of adrenaline. I'm the Doctor. And your on the planet that is under my protection"

"No. The Doctor is just a myth"

"That's were your wrong. I'm the last Time Lor-Lady, and I'm never ever letting you hurt a human"

Suddenly a gun shot went off, Tim Shaw fell to the ground. Shaking Mike dropped a gun

"You had no right" The Doctor hissed

"He was going to kill me"

The body disappeared "Get the hell out of my site before I do something I regret" The blonde hissed

The boy sprinted away, Lena ran over to the Time Lord

"Your bleeding"

"It's fine. I'm the Doctor since when has a little Blood stopped me"

"Doctor who?"

That's all folks hope you enjoyed this mini series


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