Part 3

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A/n: I won't always leave things on a cliffhanger ;)


"Somebody help me!" Leigh-Anne screamed. The vines wrapping around her were getting tighter and tighter. She had first thought that they were snakes, but after farther inspection realized that it was simply a live plant. "Please! Anybody!" She called in vain.

Had not that mysterious blonde been right behind her? Leigh was sure that she had been doomed to die a painful death.

"Hello? Where are you!" A voice called out. Leigh-Anne almost screamed with joy.

"I'm over here!" She cried, struggling against the ever tightening tentacles of nature. "Please hurry!"

Leigh-Anne thought she must be hallucinating due to lack of oxygen. A beautiful curvy woman was running towards her, the wind blowing her dark ginger hair behind her. She was wearing a black tank top and the uniform of Thirlwall Inc. security guards, though she had rolled down the top part and tied the sleeves around her waist.

"Just hold on!" The beautiful goddess shouted, but the sound was muffled making it sound like she was underwater.

The vines around her suddenly loosened, bringing Ms. Pinnock back to perfect consciousness before she passed out.

"Are you alright?" Asked Leigh-Anne's savior. The girl had a pocket knife in one hand and the other was stretched out towards Leigh.

"I'm much better now." Leigh replied in a breathy tone as she took her hand. The goddess before her blushed shyly as she pulled Leigh-Anne to her feet.

"Nelson!" A raven haired girl with a raspy voice called.

"We're over here!" The girl replied.

"We?" Lauren questioned. "Oh, hello. Where did you come from?"

"I came from the wreckage of T.I.73, the same courier ship as you I guess." Leigh-Anne had gathered herself and was back to her professional manner. "I was traveling to the X-Region to help with a hostile takeover but..."

"So you're Leigh-Anne Pinnock?" The gorl called Nelson asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Leigh asked. How was it possible for this stranger to know who she was?

"I read about you in a buzzfeed article." She replied. "You're one of the youngest lawyers to graduate Harvard." Nelson rambled on in awe. Though Ms. Pinnock tried to hide it she couldn't help but blush.

"Oh, cool." The Raven haired girl replied awkwardly. She was shocked at the building attraction between the two woman seemingly arising out of thin air. But she wasn't uncomfortable because it was two woman. She herself was married to a beautiful Cuban girl.

"Well um, I'm Lauren." She said gesturing towards herself. "-And this is Jesy."

"Did you land with anyone else?" Jesy inquired. Her voice shifted towards a more serious tone.

"Yes! Yes I did, but-" panic started to rise in Leigh-Anne's voice as she remembered the chaos from earlier. "There was a monster, and I was with this girl and she-"

"Hey, just breathe." Jesy interrupted calmly. She placed a reassuring hand on Leigh-Anne's shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze.

"How far away was it?" Lauren unholsters her pistol and scans the horizon behind Leigh for any movement. They were surrounded by thick brush and jungle trees, so it was almost impossible to see seventeen feet in front of you.

Opal 77: Skewed Space (Jerrie)Where stories live. Discover now