Part 25

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A/n: was looking for a vid to add in and found this gem bless them

Jade may or may not have used her drivers to transport her computer equipment onto Perrie's ship. She also may or may not have used them to help load everything else. Perrie was more than capable, and definitely willing. But if the sketchy clientele of the loading dock orbiting the moon were to see her with the heavy boxes, they would surely ask questions. No one batted an eye at the girls as they traipsed through the station. They were dressed in dark clothes, blending in well. Perrie had her cap, and Jade's hair was down to cover her face. There was a possibility that Jade could be recognized, given her name, so they hurried to Perrie's spacecraft as quickly as possible.

"Wow." Jade let out as soon as they entered the hanger. It was so large that it had the capability to fit three ships in it. Perrie's was the farthest away, and even though it wasn't as big as most of the ships Jade had travelled on, it wasn't a half bad size.

"It's got four levels, lots of space, an incredible kitchen—"

Jade elbows Perrie's side with a smirk. "Aye, of course it's got a good kitchen." She teases. Even though she didn't get to choose it Perrie laughs at the insinuation.

"I'm just lucky." The blonde responds with a shrug. "This was a good... um, find."

"Right." Jade says awkwardly, remembering how Perrie came to possess the ship. "Well, why don't you show me around?"

And Perrie does. She leads her through the hallways, shows her the library, the lounge, information center, the crew quarters, and the control room. The decor was definitely not something Norma Thirlwall would approve of, let alone compliment. But to Jade there was just something about it. It felt freeing to travel on a ship with a different colour palette. Or just colour in general. Thirlwall Incorporated had a tendency of leaning towards bland, unwelcoming, and downright basic designs. Just because they were keeping up with the trends didn't mean it was good looking. Hell, they had been in many top ten lists for most forward thinking and fashionable architecture. The ship Perrie had stolen would definitely be on a top ten list... of what not to do. The style and design was old, but it was a sturdy vessel. It's systems were up to date, seemingly the most important thing to the previous owner. The hallways were steel, the guts that helped the ship run on full display as they made their way to the kitchen.

"Oh wow... it's very clean." Jade complimented, running her hand along the white marble of the island in the middle of the room.

"It was this way when I found it. Though there were almost a few accidents when the pigs were here." Perrie snorts.

"Will we be seeing them when we get to Malcarri?" Jade asked as she turned to study the blonde, who, didn't answer immediately. She was staring off into the corner of the room, eyes locked on nothing in particular. Jade stepped up to her, resting her hands on the other girls waist. "Where are you?"

"Hm?" Perrie hums, shaking her head a bit before meeting the brunette's gaze. Her body automatically shifts closer, and she runs her hands through Jade's hair.

"You went somewhere just now... you do that sometimes." Jade explained softly, holding back a grin as the other girls head tilted to the side.

"I guess I do." Perrie responds, tucking a strand of Jade's hair behind her ear. "Sometimes my memories are so strong I kinda... step into them, if that makes sense."

The brunette nods, resting her head on the blondes shoulder. The two begin to sway, dancing to the invisible music barefoot in the kitchen. Soon the music grows and becomes real, starting with Jade's soft humming and blossoming into words.

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