Chapter 2

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Mangle's P.O.V.

Foxy and I had been told to go to the main office to pick up our schedules and to meet up with a couple other students who were going to give us a tour of the school. Great..... Just great.....

The office lady handed me and Foxy our schedules. I looked mine over, realizing that nothing was really special.

A different office lady said, "Two students from your grade will be down here in a minute to give you the tour. Wait here until then."

I flopped down in a chair by the door. A couple minutes later, 2 other students, 1 boy and 1 girl, walked in.

"Hi! You guys must be Mangle and Foxy! I'm Chica and this is Bonnie!" the girl said happily.

"Chica" was a happy girl who wore a white apron tied around her waist that said "LET'S EAT!" in a bold font with multicolored confetti. She also wore orange knee high lace up boots, and she had blond hair and purple eyes. "Bonnie" seemed extremely socially awkward due to the way he was standing. He had red eyes and lavender colored hair. He wore a lavender button up shirt, a black vest, black dress pants, and black shoes. He also had a red bowtie and a little purple bunny pin on his vest.

"Aye, lass." Foxy responded.

I waved slightly and said, "Yep. I'm Mangle, and that's Foxy."

Bonnie looked up from the floor. "Can I just go back to class? You know I don't like stuff like this, Chica. You could've asked Freddy........"

Chica sighed, "Don't be such a party pooper, Bonnie! And Freddy's on vacation with his family."

"Oh yeah...." Bonnie muttered.

"Anyway," I spoke up, "Can we go on this tour?"

Chica smiled. "We probably should. Let's go!"

Chica started walking, and Bonnie, Foxy and I followed her. I wasn't really paying attention, as the layout wasn't that hard to understand. I looked over and saw Bonnie and Foxy talking like they'd known each other for at least a couple months. Chica finished the tour, and we headed off to our 4th period classes.

The rest of the day passed pretty uneventfully. I met some new people, but that's really it. When Foxy and I got home, our father was out again. He's probably out at the bar again..... I went up to my bedroom and started working on my homework. When I was around half-way done, I got a phone call.

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