Chapter 18: Vidcon Day 3

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Nate woke up before me and when I woke I found him on his computer editing as usual. He flashed me a tired smile. I knew that although he absolutely loved conventions, he always became exhausted because he worked on overdrive trying to meet everybody and hang out with as many people as possible.

“Good morning, handsome,” I said softly and nuzzled up next to him. “What’s going on today?”

“Well, in an hour I have to head over to the green room and prepare for the main stage events with all the other Brits. Then we also have a collective interview. Then I have a break for lunch, and then an individual interview and then Vidcon should be finished. There is a party later for content creators though.”

“Sounds busy, and don’t you have to get up really early tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I’m doing a shoot with Seventeen Magazine and I have to leave at 7 am,” he sighed. “When are you going?”

“I’m here to the 30th, like you but the next two days Emma and I will be staying with out brother. You can come too,” I said casually although I was a bit on edge about introducing him to my brother.

“You’re serious?”

“Of course! I’ve been staying with you for two days now.”

“That’s cool, thanks hun. I’ll just cancel my hotel room in LA. But actually we better start getting ready, you can’t really come back stage today though,” he said hesitantly.

“I figured and I really wouldn’t want to. Too much of a hassle. I would actually like to spend some time with Emma if I can catch her, I’m pretty sure she’ll want to see the main stage performances though if she and her friends can get in.”

“I can help with that. How many friends are we talking about?”

“It’s the three girls she’s stayed with for the last couple of days,” I said feeling a bit guilty that I had left my little sister to fend for herself. Although Nate had agreed that she could stay here if she needed. He was ever the gentleman.

“I’ll fix some special tickets, now help me get ready?” he said and jumped out of bed.

“You know more about style than I do, but sure,” I laughed.

Hand in hand Nate and I walked to a conference room in the hotel where we met Zoe, Alfie, Tanya, Jim and Joe. It wasn’t even 9 am yet still all of them looked so gorgeous. Nate had gone for his favourite black trousers, red converse and a tie-dye blue T-shirt. I was comfortable in my skinny jeans, big hoodie, black converse and my hair in a high bun.

Everyone was chatting when a very pretty brunette walked into the room. Everyone yelled Ingrid and I nearly jumped out of my seat.

She was an American beauty guru and seemed so incredibly nice. I didn’t want to intrude too much as she clearly wanted to catch up with her friends but she very sweet.

Next another American brunette with the most amazing curly hair I had ever seen strolled in and immediately ran to Zoe.

“That’s Colleen, you remember I showed you Miranda Sings?” Nate asked me.

I did remember. The girl with the slick back hair and too much red lipstick, I hadn’t liked her. I knew it was an act and Colleen seemed so much sweeter and bubbly as herself. Still, I could understand the urge to hide behind a façade, a role; it might be easier than to expose yourself completely.

When I spoke to Colleen she said that she did in fact have a channel as herself as well and she was even more happy when people subscribed to that because that was the real her.

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