Chapter 41: End of the year

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“What are you doing for New Years?” my sister asked me as she danced in front of her full-length mirror in one of two dress options. It was already the last day of the year but Emma had known better than to ask about my plans before.

I wasn’t very fond of New Years Eve. Everybody got drunk and hosted parties and you were supposed to run around in a fancy dress and high heels. Maybe that was why Emma loved it so much. She enjoyed partying and her era of legal drinking had begun this year. I couldn’t count the time on my hands that she had come home drunk and felt hung-over in the morning. She loved dressing up and putting together an outfit and she walked better in heels than flats.

“I have no idea,” I said dismissively. “Why don’t you tell me about your party?”

“Well, it hosted by the agency and normally I wouldn’t be invited but Mindy and Brandi insisted and got me on the list.”

I had heard those names numerous times before. It was a set of blonde twins that were some of the hottest young models at the moment. Emma had hit it off with them exceptionally well.

“That’s nice,” I commented and scrolled through the draft of my new blog post.

“Which one do you think?” Emma asked and turned towards me. One was a classic little black dress and the other was mad of silver sparkles.

If it was for me I would have gone with the former option but in a lot of senses, Emma and I weren’t alike. “Go with the silver one. You’ll bedazzle everyone,” I said honestly.

Emma loved being the centre of attention and it would be difficult at a fashion party but she would definitely give it her best shot.

“Thanks, sis. I know you don’t like all this party on New Years Eve stuff,” Emma said and then paused with a thoughtful expression. “Is there a specific reason you don’t like it? Or is it just because people drink and party?”

I sighed and handed her my laptop. I had sat down just this morning to write a blog post about New Years. My blog had a huge following now, I had over a half a million reads every month, and it sort of terrified me. I trusted my readers but always blocked people that left mean comments. Mostly, they were my confidants and I didn’t just put up only photography posts anymore although my own photos always were included in every post.

New Years Eve

I now that it’s probably an unpopular opinion but… I don’t like New Years. People get too high expectations as if it isn’t just another day ending and a new one beginning. I don’t partake in parties and not even the one my parents hold every year. I’d be up in my room before 9 PM and just poke my head out the window when the countdown began.

As you know, I don’t drink and generally don’t do well around drunk people. They get too pushy and close and it makes me feel nervous. Everyone drinks at New Years and that’s fine, I respect that but I just don’t like it.

I think fireworks are beautiful but a waste of money and not worth the damages they cause every year. I don’t even want to look up how many people lose fingers…

I don’t mean for this to be an “I hate” post even if it seems like it is up until this point. I respect New Years and all of the traditions surrounding it. I love that it can inspire people to make changes for the better. I love that it can bring you back together with old friends. I love how at exactly the moment the clock turns to twelve we become one.

I never make plans for New Years as I just want to sit alone in my room (charming, I know) but I would love to get to know how you guys are planning to spend your New Years. Also could you list your absolute favourite and least favourite thing about this celebratory night?

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